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Originally posted by Amaurote
normally vote labour, but this time I'll probably find a more left-wing alternative or.....
I believe the "more" is extraneous

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Originally posted by Varg
I voted Labour in 1997 so I am responsible for Tony Blair and the invasion of Iraq.
How so? Was the invasion in the manifesto?

You vote on manifesto pledges, political philosophy and trust. I imagine that's why many people in the Labour party were stunned at the Government's role in Iraq (Cook, Short, etc.).

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
I believe the "more" is extraneous
You would. At least the chap is trying to make a decent apology for his past errors.

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
You would. At least the chap is trying to make a decent apology for his past errors.
I was just pointing out that one could hardly call labour the most left wing party any more. Not now, not in 2001, and not in 1997.

What is your little crusade against me all about? What do you find so threatening about me? Do I make you feel inadequate or something?

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Originally posted by Amaurote
The only meaningful message you send by voting BNP is that you're a Nazi, and you mean it.

I really don't know how I'm going to vote. Normally I'd hold my nose and vote Labour anyway, but this time I'll probably find a more left-wing alternative or, failing that, leave an insulting message for Tony Blair on the ballot paper.
I will be holding my nose and voting labour.

I will support Patricia Hewitt as she fights for patients rights in the NHS.
I will support the Charles Clarke over our xenophobic media as the best man to get the issue regarding forgein nationals, who have after all served their punishments for their crimes.
I will even ignore the furore over John Prescott. It is his problem and his familys problem not the nations problem.

This governmemnt should be allowed to govern. If in 3 years they have not delivered on health, education and national security you can vote them out then, but until then they have a mandate and should be supported in implementing it.

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
Or Lord Such; UKIP; BNP; etc?
Lord Sutch is dead.
The other 2 should be.

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I have had lots of leaflets from the Greens (aren't they supposed to save paper?), one from Labour, one Tory, nothing else.
I don't know if that's everyone who's standing.
I have had no knocks on the door.
Still looking like a spoiled ballot 😉

EDIT: A quick search shows me that Lib Dems and BNP are also standing but the three current councillors are all Tory so probably not going to oust them, although Green were close which might explain why they are pushing.

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Hmmm interesting cause i have only got Labour leflets

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
I assumed that as you proclaim yourself to be a proud member of the 'Scottish Socialist Party' you would probably be in favour of socialst remedies for the World's economic and political ills.
That being so I also thought it relevant to point out that these phoney remedies have consistently failed in the UK; I could have gone on to point to their equal ...[text shortened]... you please tell us in what way your 'socialism' differs from all the other failed brands?
The sort of remedies I support for the world's ills haven't been tried in this country, nor in any other, for that matter.

Again, you display your abject ignorance of anything which doesn't fit your DailyMail view of the world.

Just because I am no supporter of the UK labour party, doesn't mean I am not on the side of labour in the economic sense. Nor does it any way say that I 'renounce any connection with communism'.

Can you explain how it is possible for Red Robbo to be both a Marxist and an anarchist at the same time? Or are you just demonstrating your ignorance of these terms too. Try your special edition OED.

Or perhaps they have, like many other terms, a special meaning all of their own when you use them.

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Originally posted by Redmike
The sort of remedies I support for the world's ills haven't been tried in this country, nor in any other, for that matter.

Again, you display your abject ignorance of anything which doesn't fit your DailyMail view of the world.

Just because I am no supporter of the UK labour party, doesn't mean I am not on the side of labour in the economic sense. Nor ...[text shortened]... ps they have, like many other terms, a special meaning all of their own when you use them.
You said that Robbo was a Marxist and the fact that he produced anarchy in British industry,especially car maufacturing, implies that a Marxist can be be an anarchist in practice.
You still haven't told us in what way your special brand of socialism differs from the failed kind.

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Originally posted by scottishinnz
I was just pointing out that one could hardly call labour the most left wing party any more. Not now, not in 2001, and not in 1997.

What is your little crusade against me all about? What do you find so threatening about me? Do I make you feel inadequate or something?
They're not the MOST left wing party, which is why he said "more". You seemed to have a problem with this, why?

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
You said that Robbo was a Marxist and the fact that he produced anarchy in British industry,especially car maufacturing, implies that a Marxist can be be an anarchist in practice.
You still haven't told us in what way your special brand of socialism differs from the failed kind.
Right, so this will be your own special meaning for anarchist too then.

Thatcher produced anarchy - was she an anarchist?

Go read the link in my profile if you want to find out about 'my brand of socialism'.

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Originally posted by Redmike
Right, so this will be your own special meaning for anarchist too then.

Thatcher produced anarchy - was she an anarchist?

Go read the link in my profile if you want to find out about 'my brand of socialism'.
You've got it all mixed up; socialism has confused you.
Margaret Thatcher was the one who brought us back from the brink of utter collapse in 1979 after Wilson and Callaghan, ably assisted by Robbo, had reduced us to the status of a 3rd World Country (i.e, had to go begging to the IMF). Remember?

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Originally posted by Nargaguna
You've got it all mixed up; socialism has confused you.
Margaret Thatcher was the one who brought us back from the brink of utter collapse in 1979 after Wilson and Callaghan, ably assisted by Robbo, had reduced us to the status of a 3rd World Country (i.e, had to go begging to the IMF). Remember?
You really do live in some kind of time warp.

Yes, the blessed Margaret (may she die in pain) saved us all from the scary communists (who were also anarchists in their spare time).

Its like a Monty Python take on Modern History.

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Originally posted by Redmike
You really do live in some kind of time warp.

Yes, the blessed Margaret (may she die in pain) saved us all from the scary communists (who were also anarchists in their spare time).

Its like a Monty Python take on Modern History.

😀 😀 😀 😛

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