The post that was quoted here has been removed1. $8 Billion over 10 years is not crumbs. Lavish aid between allies/friends is expected. US and Palestine are not allies
2. They can fawn how much they like they are not friends .. more like enemies because Palestinians support terrorism
3. They cannot even strike Israel properly do you expect them to strike targets in the US ? Are you insane?
@earl-of-trumps saidbroad brush you got there, mr racist
An American Jewish friend of mine said he wished that Pollard had been executed
for treason because his crimes provoked suspicion of every American Jew's loyalty.
Pollard himself declared that every Jew's ultimate loyalty should be to the state of Israel.
And there is a goddamm good reason why people would suspect Jews o ...[text shortened]... se many are and they have an allegiance to Israel, even if born in the USA. Pollard is living proof.
The post that was quoted here has been removed1. Of course, one is an ally and the other is not. Did you expect it to be equal?
2. He should have cut it to absolute zero until the Palestinains learn to accept a 2 state solution and live in peace.
3. Aid is an option. It rightly depends on what the recipient is doing with the aid. In the case of Palestinians all they do is spend money on fighting Israel while their people live in poverty. They are stupid people and do not deserve aid.
@metal-brain saidThe Empire? WTF has Palpentine got to do with it?
Your analysis is correct on the surface.
Israel is a puppet nation of the empire and the USA is part of that empire. Israel being a puppet nation is the only thing that makes sense.
There is your answer. Obviously, some people will not want to accept the truth, but there it is.
@metal-brain saidLet's your claim is true.
Your analysis is correct on the surface.
Israel is a puppet nation of the empire and the USA is part of that empire. Israel being a puppet nation is the only thing that makes sense.
There is your answer. Obviously, some people will not want to accept the truth, but there it is.
Israel is a puppet accomplish what?
@rajk999 saidThe very existence of Israel and one sided US / Western support for it is THE number one reason for the evolution of Islamic terrorism or at least it’s right up there as a causal factor along with Saudi led and funded proliferation of Wahhabism.
Is that all you got ? I'm disappointed.
Tehran wants the bomb because Israel has the bomb.
Thus my Curt but polite response to :-
“ They help control terrorism and proliferation of nuclear arms. ”
Why do you come out with these nonsensical statements. your not an idiot in real life.
@vivify saidBomb nuclear power plants for one.
Let's your claim is true.
Israel is a puppet accomplish what?
Bomb the Syrians.
Bomb the Iranians in Syria.
Bomb anybody the empire wants them to.
Using puppet nations to do the empire's dirty work is a tried and true method of imperialism. That way Israel takes the brunt of the backlash just like African nations under minority control took the backlash instead of the imperialists that controlled them.
What do you think the root cause of the Rwanda genocide was? The imperialist put the Tutsis into power to be puppets of the imperialists. The Tutsis took the brunt of the backlash alright. The resentment lingered for a long time until the Hutus decided to kill as many of the Tutsis as possible.
It works. It is working with Israel as well, although some Palestinians saw through it and blamed the USA. When they are bombed by Israel and some unexploded bombs said "Made in the USA" on them it was not hard to see the truth.
I suppose you think all of those hijacking of jet airliners in the past had no motive. When the US news media said they were "against American interests" what do you think those interests are?
Think about it. The US corporate news media was never specific about just what those "American Interests" are. Why not?
@quackquack saidSaudi Arabia sells oil only in US dollars.
The United States decided that Saudi Arabia is less offensive than Iran or Iraq or some of the other countries is the region. But as you recognize when you discuss the Saudi connection to 9/11, the Saudi's are somewhere between not so good and terrible allies and that's why Israel is seen as a much better ally.
Iraq decided to sell their oil in other currencies so they were invaded. Iran does not sell their oil in US dollars either. Libya's Quaddafi was creating the Gold Dinar. Now he is dead like Saddam to set an example.
Do you see the pattern?
@metal-brain saidWhy can't the U.S. simply do that itself? You're aware of America's history of warmongering, correct? So why set up a "puppet" to do what the U.S. has been doing for decades?
Bomb nuclear power plants for one.
Bomb the Syrians.
Bomb the Iranians in Syria.
Bomb anybody the empire wants them to.
Using puppet nations to do the empire's dirty work is a tried and true method of imperialism. That way Israel takes the brunt of the backlash just like African nations under minority control took the backlash instead of the imperialists that contr ...[text shortened]... US corporate news media was never specific about just what those "American Interests" are. Why not?
If America had a "puppet" to do it's "dirty work", why wasn't Israel used to kill Soleimani?
@vivify saidAllies. Maybe that is an alien word to you, but people / countries all over the world try to get these. Probably it is not part of your culture to want these.
Why can't the U.S. simply do that itself? You're aware of America's history of warmongering, correct? So why set up a "puppet" to do what the U.S. has been doing for decades?
If America had a "puppet" to do it's "dirty work", why wasn't Israel used to kill Soleimani?
@vivify saidWhy didn't Reagan bomb Iraq's nuclear power plant instead of Israel? Saddam was an ally of the USA at the time. REAGAN CONDEMNED THE BOMBING.
Why can't the U.S. simply do that itself? You're aware of America's history of warmongering, correct? So why set up a "puppet" to do what the U.S. has been doing for decades?
If America had a "puppet" to do it's "dirty work", why wasn't Israel used to kill Soleimani?
The USA already invaded Iraq and occupied Iraq at the time Soleimani was assassinated. There was no reason for subterfuge in that case.
@kevcvs57 saidWhat is wrong with one-sided? What Tehran wants is not what Tehran gets. They will end up like Iraq. The minute their nuclear plant becomes nuclear warhead capable, Israel will take it out. Yes Israel helps control Hamas, Iran and the other extremist Arab states by its mere presence in that region. Israel has already taken out Iraqs nuclear power plant in Osirak back in the early 80s.
The very existence of Israel and one sided US / Western support for it is THE number one reason for the evolution of Islamic terrorism or at least it’s right up there as a causal factor along with Saudi led and funded proliferation of Wahhabism.
Tehran wants the bomb because Israel has the bomb.
Thus my Curt but polite response to :-
“ They help control terrorism and prol ...[text shortened]... lear arms. ”
Why do you come out with these nonsensical statements. your not an idiot in real life.