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White flight from south africa

White flight from south africa


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Originally posted by Eladar
By the way, they have already moved to the UK and she is the one who is working. Her husband is staying home with the kids.
OK, sorry. My mistake.

Replace 'paranoid, bored housewife' with 'paranoid, over-reacting coward'.

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Originally posted by Crowley
What? Do you expect things to just be like one big, happy family overnight?

We've had less than 20 years of trying this 'living together' business. The scars of racial segregation take time to heal.
Nah, just giving you crap. Americans know segregation also. You've got a century or more before it's worked out. Even then, there will still be division.

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The scars of racial segregation take time to heal.

When the white children start marrying blacks and all these people who knew segregation in their lifetime have black grand children, then the country can begin to heal.

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Originally posted by Eladar
[b]The scars of racial segregation take time to heal.

When the white children start marrying blacks and all these people who knew segregation in their lifetime have black grand children, then the country can begin to heal.[/b]
Well, that's a little extreme, but I see what you mean.

I have a friend who married a black lady and they have had 2 beautiful daughters. Unfortunately inter-racial marriage isn't the 'solution'.

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What's good for another family sometimes isn't good for one's own family.

Yes, when whites and blacks become the same people, then certain segments of the population will have a chance of living better lives. It won't be "that's just the blacks". It will be "that's the problem part of my family is having to face". Those who accept the new members of the family, then they'll have to come to grips with their problems. If they don't, when they die there will be fewer and fewer like them as the years pass. After two or three generations, the society will be virtually one and everyone will have to deal with the problems.

But for now, the problem is just in the black areas.

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Originally posted by Eladar
But for now, the problem is just in the black areas.
You don't have a clue. Invest in this before you decide to post again: http://www.gamingmmo.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/magnifying_glass.jpg

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Originally posted by Eladar
[b]The scars of racial segregation take time to heal.

When the white children start marrying blacks and all these people who knew segregation in their lifetime have black grand children, then the country can begin to heal.[/b]
Yes, the Final Solution. Good thinking Eladurhhh.

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I'm afraid that is really the only way the scars of segregation will be healed. It is only when you can no longer tell who the star bellied sneaches actually are that the distinction between the two groups be overcome. Until then, there will always be a segregation between the two groups.

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Please, spare the me. Stop using the word 'scars". It's so cliche.

Besides, it's not racial, it's cultural. That's why cultures of the same race have wars.

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I was using Crowley's words.

I agree problems fall more along cultural divides in the US, but in SA the cultural divide and racial divide probably isn't that great.

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Originally posted by Crowley
Those 'figures' are obviously bull. Christ, surely even you can't believe that more than a third of the population want to leave?

What did they suck to come by these 'statistics'?
Well, it should be painfully obvious to all by now that you can dish it out about fat, obnoxious, stupid, skunk-beer swillin', rasslin'-watching Americans, but as soon as someone holds a mirror up to your cowardly, dangerous, racist country, you begin to bellow and blubber like a baby.

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Originally posted by Eladar
What's good for another family sometimes isn't good for one's own family.

Yes, when whites and blacks become the same people, then certain segments of the population will have a chance of living better lives. It won't be "that's just the blacks". It will be "that's the problem part of my family is having to face". Those who accept the new members of the ...[text shortened]... e to deal with the problems.

But for now, the problem is just in the black areas.
I disagree with your sentiment that the races MUST mix.

There is no reason for blacks and whites to become the same people. That denies that either has a fundamental, valuable cultural identity on it's own.

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They don't have to mix. As long as the two races remain divided, the problems of deep divides will remain.

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Originally posted by Eladar
What's good for another family sometimes isn't good for one's own family.

Yes, when whites and blacks become the same people, then certain segments of the population will have a chance of living better lives. It won't be "that's just the blacks". It will be "that's the problem part of my family is having to face". Those who accept the new members of the ...[text shortened]... e to deal with the problems.

But for now, the problem is just in the black areas.
What a depressing picture you paint. This is why I won't embrace liberalism/socialism: Your solution is always to spread the misery equally.

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Perhaps the solution is worse than the problem, but it really is the only true solution. Until then, there will be a divide which won't be overcome.

Besides, what I'm describing is happening naturally in the US. Give it another four or five generations and what I'm saying won't be as repugnant as it is today.


I just received a pm at another site from the guy who's watching his kids as his wife works after emmigrating to the UK. I think I'll just cut and paste what he said:

I had to read your mail a few times - I thought I was seeing things I suppose whites are "safe" in the sense that it doesn't seem (officially at least) that they are being targeted for violence, as much as everybody is! But some whites do have more possessions and money, so they do get hit hard for that. Other than that, the whites seem to be an easy target as well – I won’t go into the reasons.

But safe and even “completely” safe is just bloody stupid. How anyone can say that people in South Africa are completely safe is just retarded beyond measure. We have white friends and family who were murdered. In all cases nothing much was stolen, just shot dead as they sat fishing and going to work. People – normal people – live in prisons there. Their houses have steel bars covering every door and window. Their houses have 6-8ft walls with electric fencing, armed response security and they still get raped and murdered! Just yesterday (Friday), friends of ours called. They received a job offer to work in the UK. They work in Law and Medicine in South Africa, so they have no lack of money. But even they feel threatened and unsafe.

But, apart from the crime, the economy is in ruins. I know the whole world is in a bad state now, but it is even worse there! My mom has just visited us and told me how prices for food has increased 50-60%. Mortgage interest rates are something like 14%.

Like the person on the chess site said, the numbers are in no way correct – because they are MUCH higher than what is being let on. We know this from civil servant contacts. No, I am afraid the person on the other site might be a government recruiter or supporter or something like that! Nobody is completely safe and especially not the whites!

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