@sonhouse saidWhy not people? Something had to evolve as a dominant species.
With all the total random events of evolution, why are there people at all? We shouldn't even be here......
It's like the randomness of a lottery. (With perhaps a tad less of the random). Someone has to win.
@handyandy saidIt is survival of the fittest. Or, none would have survived. Nobody, as no one would have been fit to run the show.
Do you believe evolution is random and not survival of the fittest?
@botvinnikian saidPredator and prey numbers go up and down.
I doubt sheep were part of the fittest group.
They are not predators and they don't breed fast enough to survive constant attacks by predators so some of it must be random dumb luck.
Fewer sheep leads to fewer wolves, and fewer wolves allow for more sheep to breed which in turn means more food for the wolves, so more wolves are able to propagate leading to a drop in sheep numbers... and so forth and so on.
Population of one goes up causing the population of the other to go down, then the up goes down causing the down to go up... and continuously seesaws back and forth in this manner.
02 Sep 19
@botvinnikian saidThe majority of people ARE sheep. The end is coming.
I doubt sheep were part of the fittest group.
They are not predators and they don't breed fast enough to survive constant attacks by predators so some of it must be random dumb luck.
@botvinnikian saidModern sheep have human protection. Before they were domesticated, wild sheep were probably more rugged and more of a match for wolves and other predators.
I doubt sheep were part of the fittest group.
They are not predators and they don't breed fast enough to survive constant attacks by predators so some of it must be random dumb luck.
@sonhouse saidIf a person is unwilling to give credit to some sort of Creator, then all that's left is luck, guessing, and randomness, and lottery hypothesis.
With all the total random events of evolution, why are there people at all? We shouldn't even be here......
A Creator makes much more sense.