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why is research so difficult?

why is research so difficult?


2 edits

@shavixmir said
let’s put it to the test then, eh:

- Covid vaccinations are not pointless? True or not true?
Pseud Boy Known as Shag Doody still believes the LyinghorsefacekoontexNZpm Ardern who said in reference to the clotshot: "You will not get sick, you will not die."

70% of NZ covid deaths were boosted.

What it didn't do:

It did not stop you catching wuflu, it did not stop you becoming extremely ill from wuflu, it did not prevent death from wuflu, it did not prebvent you from passing wuflu to others.

What it was:

It was an experimental medical treatment.

What it did do:

It was the greatest transfer of wealth from the regular struggling taxpayer to multi billion dollar drug Co's in the history of the world.

shag doody tested and failed. Probably even thinks the world is round.

Edit: Correction there was a 'point', please refer to 'What it did do." above.

@ponderable said
There seems to be a hesitation to research facts before claiming outrageous things.
To add insult to injury people claiming what can be (easily) reserached are called liars.
e.g. @Metal-Brain claimed that the President had no command over the National Guard of the District of Coumbia.

Even Wikipedia has the correct infromation. It took me (as a non-native speaker) about a minute to find that infromation.
I'd be careful about this one, pondy, vivify et al.
The president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, but the US Coast Guard was not part of the military until recently.

@wajoma said
Pseud Boy Known as Shag Doody still believes the LyinghorsefacekoontexNZpm Ardern who said in reference to the clotshot: "You will not get sick, you will not die."

70% of NZ covid deaths were boosted.

What it didn't do:

It did not stop you catching wuflu, it did not stop you becoming extremely ill from wuflu, it did not prevent death from wuflu, i ...[text shortened]... he world is round.

Edit: Correction there was a 'point', please refer to 'What it did do." above.
Load of bollocks as usual.

@shavixmir said
Load of bollocks as usual.
Every one of those points is rock solid shatmixer, the best the clotshot lovers can claim (without proof) is that you might not get quite so sick, that you might be dead but not as dead as those that didn't fall for the propaganda and did not take the juice.

Rock f'kn solid bytch.

@wajoma said
Every one of those points is rock solid shatmixer, the best the clotshot lovers can claim (without proof) is that you might not get quite so sick, that you might be dead but not as dead as those that didn't fall for the propaganda and did not take the juice.

Rock f'kn solid bytch.
No they are not.
Most are factually incorrect as every health authority can explain to you in detail.

We’ve been over this. You should be expelled for spreading endangering falsehoods and raping koalas.

@shavixmir said

Most are factually incorrect as every health authority can explain to you in detail.
Choose one and prove it wrong.

Haha, shag doody pseudy says "most..." What a weak bytch.

Which ones?

What I don't understand is how the lyinghorsefacekoont got away with a worse lie than 9 out of 10 doctors recommend Marlboros.

Every point is undisputed rock solid, even juice lovers admit fully juiced up and boosted people died from wuflu, 70% of NZ covid deaths were boosted.

@wajoma said
Choose one and prove it wrong.

Haha, shag doody pseudy says "most..." What a weak bytch.

Which ones?

What I don't understand is how the lyinghorsefacekoont got away with a worse lie than 9 out of 10 doctors recommend Marlboros.

Every point is undisputed rock solid, even juice lovers admit fully juiced up and boosted people died from wuflu, 70% of NZ covid deaths were boosted.
No. I’m not playing your stupid fukking game again. We’ve been over this 100 times.

And everytime you get your arse handed to you on a platter and everytime you come away with a few individual examples, false data or data which doesn’t even have correlation, let alone causality to vaccines.

Every single health authority and viral expert in the world says you are wrong.

End of.

Go rape kangaroos. Stay away from the adults.

@shavixmir said
No. I’m not playing your stupid fukking game again. We’ve been over this 100 times.

And everytime you get your arse handed to you on a platter and everytime you come away with a few individual examples, false data or data which doesn’t even have correlation, let alone causality to vaccines.

Every single health authority and viral expert in the world says you are wrong.

End of.

Go rape kangaroos. Stay away from the adults.
My-good-self said

"It did not stop you catching wuflu, it did not stop you becoming extremely ill from wuflu, it did not prevent death from wuflu, it did not prevent you from passing wuflu to others."

Which are right, which are wrong, you said 'most' so that means you agree with some. So state which you agree with, then I'll serve you your own balls on plate on the remaining points, you weak sniveling Kant.

@wajoma said
My-good-self said

"It did not stop you catching wuflu, it did not stop you becoming extremely ill from wuflu, it did not prevent death from wuflu, it did not prevent you from passing wuflu to others."

Which are right, which are wrong, you said 'most' so that means you agree with some. So state which you agree with, then I'll serve you your own balls on plate on the remaining points, you weak sniveling Kant.
I'm sure it's been addressed in prior debate topics. Randomized controlled trials in the US showed 20-50 fold lower risk of hospitalizations and death in vaxxed vs controls.

You can't really dispute those numbers. Anecdotal evidence, some guy smuggled some papers out of a lab or whatever. The randomized controlled trials are the gold standard defining what medical treatments work or don't work

3 edits

@wildgrass said
I'm sure it's been addressed in prior debate topics. Randomized controlled trials in the US showed 20-50 fold lower risk of hospitalizations and death in vaxxed vs controls.

You can't really dispute those numbers. Anecdotal evidence, some guy smuggled some papers out of a lab or whatever. The randomized controlled trials are the gold standard defining what medical treatments work or don't work
Yep there's plenty to dispute, even your own numbers, a spread of '20-50 fold' shows how uncertain you are.

But what cannot be disputed is this:

"It did not stop you catching wuflu, it did not stop you becoming extremely ill from wuflu, it did not prevent death from wuflu, it did not prevent you from passing wuflu to others."

kudos to you for having a go, it's obvious shag, donkey dick dildo user, doody for brains is waiting to be rescued.

1 edit

@shavixmir said
No. I’m not playing your stupid fukking game again. We’ve been over this 100 times.

And everytime you get your arse handed to you on a platter and everytime you come away with a few individual examples, false data or data which doesn’t even have correlation, let alone causality to vaccines.

Every single health authority and viral expert in the world says you are wrong.

End of.

Go rape kangaroos. Stay away from the adults.
NZ Numbers:

Age and vaccination status of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case.
Not fully vaccinated = NFV
Fully vaccinated = FV
Received booster = RB (Last column total)
0 to 59 NFV_111 FV_137 RB_212 460
60 to 69 NFV_66 FV_94 RB_321 481
70 to 79 NFV_128 FV_141 RB_859 1128
80 to 89 NFV_182 FV_190 RB_1591 1963
90 to +_ NFV_132 FV_122 RB_1141 1395
Total___NFV_619 FV_684 RB_4124 5427

Sure doesn't look like 20-50 fold (whatever that means) to me.

That’s because you don’t even comprehend what you are parotting here.

Take it up with the health authorities and get yourself educated.

1 edit

@shavixmir said
That’s because you don’t even comprehend what you are parotting here.

Take it up with the health authorities and get yourself educated.
From NZ Health shatmixer. I baited the line up good, and shag doody gobbled the bait just as I expected. Link on other thread. I was going to dare you to ask for a source but that might have been too obvious and you would have swum away, had to play it just right.

@wajoma said
NZ Numbers:

Age and vaccination status of deaths within 28 days of being reported as a case.
Not fully vaccinated = NFV
Fully vaccinated = FV
Received booster = RB (Last column total)
0 to 59 NFV_111 FV_137 RB_212 460
60 to 69 NFV_66 FV_94 RB_321 481
70 to 79 NFV_128 FV_141 RB_859 1128
80 to 89 NFV_182 FV_190 RB_1591 1963
90 to +_ NFV_132 FV_122 RB_1141 1395
Total___NFV_619 FV_684 RB_4124 5427

Sure doesn't look like 20-50 fold (whatever that means) to me.
Anyone who thinks raw numbers mean anything is simple-minded.

Where's the percentages?

@kewpie said
Anyone who thinks raw numbers mean anything is simple-minded.

Where's the percentages?
Haha, what a tard doesn't know how to work out percentages.

Not my job to tech basic math but here goes:

0 to 59 NFV_111 FV_137 RB_212 460

In the group 0 to 59 years old 111 out of 460 were not vaxxed. so divide 111 by 460 gives you .241304 which (now hold on to the top of your head kewpie) = 24%.

Of that group of 0 to 59 year olds that died from wuflu 76% were juiced up.

Do you want me to explain where the '76%' number came from?

100% - 24% = 76%

I know right, advanced stuff.

And to think these people get to vote.

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