@earl-of-trumps saidThe Russians weren't laughing when he invited them to find the emails, so no.
@Suzianne And he takes blame for the Russians hacking the DNC servers because he invited them to do so.
Speaking of lying -
Trump made that remark long after Hilary refused the FBI's demand to turn over
31,000 files that were once on her illegal server. The remark was made in jest.
So , no.
@earl-of-trumps saidGet serious.
Trump wishes her well so she can live to testify. Can't wait! Break out the popcorn.
Barr better not repeat the egregious errors that he made with Epstein. Get two
US Marshalls into Maxwell's facility. Place one *right in her cell* and the other
right in front of the entry to the cell. Let NOTHING happen to her.
EDIT to add: Allow Maxwell to only eat take-out that the Marshalls get for her
Wishing her well was Trump's way of saying, you know, like a mafia boss' way of saying, "Hey, sweetie, keep your mouth shut about me, or you might end up like your friend Jeffrey. Capiche?"
@suzianne saidOh, another one! speaking in codes!!
Get serious.
Wishing her well was Trump's way of saying, you know, like a mafia boss' way of saying, "Hey, sweetie, keep your mouth shut about me, or you might end up like your friend Jeffrey. Capiche?"
And when I posted that earlier in the thread I was told that I was just picking
an outlier and trying to make it look like all leftists think this way.
Thank you for proving that wrong, because you do too.
Codes. Dog whistles. Uh huh.
Don't talk directly to her lawyer, Nooooooooooooooooooooo, do it on
TV for all the world to see. Ahhhhhh. Brilliant!!!
You wonder why I laugh at you people?
@earl-of-trumps saidNo, I don't wonder that at all.
Oh, another one! speaking in codes!!
And when I posted that earlier in the thread I was told that I was just picking
an outlier and trying to make it look like all leftists think this way.
Thank you for proving that wrong, because you do too.
Codes. Dog whistles. Uh huh.
Don't talk directly to her lawyer, Nooooooooooooooooooooo, do it on
TV for all the world to see. Ahhhhhh. Brilliant!!!
You wonder why I laugh at you people?
After all, you guys believe the "trickle-down economics" lie as well. You guys actually think that "QAnon" has a good point. You guys think "Antifa" and BLM are terrorist organizations. You guys thought it was "perfectly okay" that McConnell stole Obama's SC pick and gave it to Trump.
Need I go on?
@suzianne said1. I believe in Free Market because I believe in freedom. Period.
No, I don't wonder that at all.
After all, you guys believe the "trickle-down economics" lie as well. You guys actually think that "QAnon" has a good point. You guys think "Antifa" and BLM are terrorist organizations. You guys thought it was "perfectly okay" that McConnell stole Obama's SC pick and gave it to Trump.
Need I go on?
2. No idea who QAnon is and don't want to know.
3. Antifa and BLM are Marxist organizations. They are on my enemy list and
when enlarged and unleased can be terroristic, yes.
4. I am so glad that McConnell stole Obama's SC pick. Thanks for asking.
@earl-of-trumps saidSo no, I don't wonder why you laugh.
1. I believe in Free Market because I believe in freedom. Period.
2. No idea who QAnon is and don't want to know.
3. Antifa and BLM are Marxist organizations. They are on my enemy list and
when enlarged and unleased can be terroristic, yes.
4. I am so glad that McConnell stole Obama's SC pick. Thanks for asking.
People laugh at crappy comedians, too.
Thanks for proving my point that you guys got nothing laugh about.
"I don't mean to sound degrading, but with a face like that you got nothing to laugh about." -- Rod Stewart
@earl-of-trumps said1. To equate the "free" market with "freedom" is a symptom of an uninformed mind. Most Western democracies strive to keep markets as free as possible, but inexorably inequalities and monopolies crop up that in time become so profound as to threaten personal freedom and even the foundations of democracy itself. This is why markets must be regulated constantly, to keep society on an even keel. The US right now could do with some serious "trust busting" of entities like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Comcast, Verizon, and many others. They're all products of an inadequately regulated market.
1. I believe in Free Market because I believe in freedom. Period.
2. No idea who QAnon is and don't want to know.
3. Antifa and BLM are Marxist organizations. They are on my enemy list and
when enlarged and unleased can be terroristic, yes.
4. I am so glad that McConnell stole Obama's SC pick. Thanks for asking.
2. QAnon is the next level of crazy beyond Fox News and OAN, and Republicans who set store by its conspiratorial fever dreams are starting to win primaries here and there. The GOP's descent into madness apparently continues apace.
3. Antifa is not an "organization." What you're saying is like saying "Liberalism is a Marxist organization." See how daft that sounds? The stated philosophy of Antifa adherents is (surprise, surprise) anti-fascism. It's an open question whether anyone who rails against anti-fascists is in fact helping promote fascism. Your best bet is to question the tactics of anti-fascists on the street, but only after you've done your homework to ensure you're not being duped by another Fox News Photoshop job.
4. I get a sense that there's a slowly growing sentiment among Democrats to expand the Supreme Court by at least two seats in January 2021 to correct for this theft, assuming Dems gain the White House and Senate (as seems increasingly likely).
Here is what I think: ONE, you are not black. TWO, you are some kind of overseas mole designed to make divisions worse than they are now. Three, you make out like the protests in Portland are anarchists JUST LIKE TRUMP.
I therefore assume you are pushing for a plush job when the US is a former democratic state and Trump has firmly grabbed the power of authoritarianism.
That is the only way I can view you and all the other trumpites here.
You care less about the US constitution. THAT IS CLEAR.
You are just like the Putin's and Un's of the world.
You WANT chaos, you WANT to make it look like Portland is burning and thousands of anarchists are burning buildings when the VAST majority are protestors where you would deny their right to protest, instead sitting on the same coattails as Barr and the rest of the corrupt crowd around this MONSTER Trump.
@no1marauder saidWhat happened to not guilty until proven guilty?
Just when you think he really can't go any lower:
"Speaking during a White House news briefing on the coronavirus, Trump on Tuesday managed to keep on topic for much of his appearance — a contrast to his earlier news briefings that often devolved into quasi-campaign rallies. But he left the topic of the pandemic once to answer a question about Maxwell’s case.
“I’v ...[text shortened]... news/2020/07/21/trump-ghislaine-maxwell-376820
No, it isn't the Onion; he really, really said it.
Besides the fact Trump is a disgusting person and a worse president, she hasn't been convicted (yet), is she?
1. To equate the "free" market with "freedom" is a symptom of an uninformed mind. Most Western democracies strive to keep markets as free as possible, but inexorably inequalities and monopolies crop up that in time become so profound as to threaten personal freedom and even the foundations of democracy itself. This is why markets must be regulated constantly, to keep society on an even keel. The US right now could do with some serious "trust busting" of entities like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Comcast, Verizon, and many others. They're all products of an inadequately regulated market.
Soothfast, I know more of this than you, for starters. Yes I am aware of free market encroaching on people's rights. And as I have always said, your rights
end when you start taking my rights.
2. QAnon is the next level of crazy beyond Fox News and OAN, and Republicans who set store by its conspiratorial fever dreams are starting to win primaries here and there. The GOP's descent into madness apparently continues apace.
Thanks for defining it for me but you act like I care about Qanon. I don't.
I don't watch FOX tv either.
3. Antifa is not an "organization." What you're saying is like saying "Liberalism is a Marxist organization." See how daft that sounds? The stated philosophy of Antifa adherents is (surprise, surprise) anti-fascism. It's an open question whether anyone who rails against anti-fascists is in fact helping promote fascism. Your best bet is to question the tactics of anti-fascists on the street, but only after you've done your homework to ensure you're not being duped by another Fox News Photoshop job.
I completely understand. But antifa is a for-hire group of individuals with a half-assed
uniform, and all are paid by George Soros.
Boogaloo bois is similar, half-assed uniform, but they are not paid by anyone as
best I know. They just seem to show up at some scrum.
4. I get a sense that there's a slowly growing sentiment among Democrats to expand the Supreme Court by at least two seats in January 2021 to correct for this theft, assuming Dems gain the White House and Senate (as seems increasingly likely).
Democrats just can't let power go, can they.
Especially when I talk truth.
You can take your god king Trump and shove him up your ass.