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WWIII: Your Predictions

WWIII: Your Predictions


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Originally posted by KazetNagorra
It depends on interpretation, the Bible can be used for anything from glorifying genocide to helping the poor.
No it does not depend on interpretation. Unless one interprets the word interpretation to mean lie, one cannot say that Exodus 22:20 commands the killing of non Christians anymore than say that 22:19 commands the killing of animals for having sex.

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Originally posted by Merk
No it does not depend on interpretation. Unless one interprets the word interpretation to mean lie, one cannot say that Exodus 22:20 commands the killing of non Christians anymore than say that 22:19 commands the killing of animals for having sex.
Yeah, you're right, there is only one interpretation, that's why all christians tend to agree on how to interpret the bible and its verses.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Dear Insipid Dolt,

I am struck by the irony of you, of all people, commenting on the less than socially adept behaviour of anyone else on this site. With the sincere hope that you are visited by some sense of decorum, I recommend that you hit yourself in the nuts with a claw hammer immediately.

Merry Christmas,

The Hand.
And I hope that you are visited by several of the more resistant strains of flesh-eating bacteria.

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Originally posted by Merk
You might wish to read Exodus 22:19 before making that claim.

Exodus 22:19

"Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death."
Judge: "Did you lieth with a beast?"

Clinton: "I did not lieth with any of those beasts -- Ms. Lewinsky, Fido, Clara Bell -- any of them; although, it may depend on how you define 'lieth'."

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Originally posted by bojangles32
I believe that world forces will realign themselves into two seperate organizations, the so called NOD and GDI.

They will form after a mysterious substance called tiberium is found on the source, and both sides will wage aggressive war to obtain it.

Eventually we will deicover that we were all fooled by a malevolant space alien people who seeded u ...[text shortened]... enjoy peace forever.

Than the zombie apocalypse will arrive, which is a whole different story
Too many "B" movies starring the Olsen twins is not a healthy form of entertainment, but your description sounds like a good thriller.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
What the hell is all this Judeao-Christian dogma malarkey?
What would Hitler have said about all that then?
Hitler would have said "Achtung, baby" and Bono would have never sold millions of albums. Mussolini would have become the Beatle's agent.

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