@kewpie saidWe are impassed!!! So, query, has the word 'gals' gone by the wayside?
Thanks for that. In Oz we all say guys and nobody thinks of it as meaning exclusively male. Even our 70+ walking group (90% female) uses guys. We also say folks for groups, and if it's formal spoken English we say you, for both singular and plural. We don't get hung up on gender issues here.
Hey that would be a good thread, words that are not used anymore. However, we could not be honest when throwing out certain words without getting into Woke trouble.
Folks is, to my mind, a southern term , and it always made me cringe, when Obama was inventing the caricature of himself, .....he used that word a lot. To appear folksy, everyone's man. Man, it sounded baaaaad.
Gender issues? That phrase has never been around in my life, so with all due respects, I will not call a girl a guy. I cannot understand why you would call a girl a guy. If you were giving a speech about this, could you feel comfortable or be able to convince your audience that society should refer to girls as guys? How so? Then, what is a guy? Not a guy? Confusing ole Avjoe.
17 Jul 23
@wildgrass saidThe School of Wildgrass
Y'all is singular.
All y'alls is the proper plural.
Hope this helps.
@shavixmir saidBut like you, y'all is singular and plural.
You don’t say y’all outside of trailer parks, because it sounds retarded.
You say you. And you is, in this case, plural.
Even one person can be you 'all'.
18 Jul 23
You mean they totally respect women like this?:
Wake up and smell the coffee, you really think those dudes are REPUBLICANS? If so, you are a traitor to the constitution.
18 Jul 23
@sonhouse saidIs that you sonhouse? Is that a link, Sonhouse?
You mean they totally respect women like this?:
Wake up and smell the coffee, you really think those dudes are REPUBLICANS? If so, you are a traitor to the constitution.
18 Jul 23
@kewpie saidOK, honest answer, Kewpie...(sorry about SHouse trying to skew your thread).....
Thanks for that. In Oz we all say guys and nobody thinks of it as meaning exclusively male. Even our 70+ walking group (90% female) uses guys. We also say folks for groups, and if it's formal spoken English we say you, for both singular and plural. We don't get hung up on gender issues here.
Would you regard your fellow-citizen, Nicole Kidman, as a 'guy'.? Was Princess Grace a guy? What about the very lady-like feminine lady who teaches your child in kindergarten?
18 Jul 23
@averagejoe1 saidThen I doubt you've ever heard southerners speak.
Lib license, Suzianne? Won't fly, one person can not be you 'all'.
@averagejoe1 said'You guys' means a collective group of people. They need not be all male. Only guys get hung up on this.
OK, honest answer, Kewpie...(sorry about SHouse trying to skew your thread).....
Would you regard your fellow-citizen, Nicole Kidman, as a 'guy'.? Was Princess Grace a guy? What about the very lady-like feminine lady who teaches your child in kindergarten?
@averagejoe1 saidFemales get called guys even if they're totally artificial products expensively packaged to appeal to the eye. It's a friendly everyday term, not used in formal speech. Most of our citizens aren't formal very often. It wouldn't be used at a funeral or other ceremonial event. It's colloquial. Most females here wear pants and sneakers, not dresses and high heels, and that includes childcare workers who often spend time on the floor with their charges.
OK, honest answer, Kewpie...(sorry about SHouse trying to skew your thread).....
Would you regard your fellow-citizen, Nicole Kidman, as a 'guy'.? Was Princess Grace a guy? What about the very lady-like feminine lady who teaches your child in kindergarten?
18 Jul 23
@suzianne saidOK. Same question. Would you regard Nicole Kidman as a guy? If you tell your mom you have a guy coming over to visit, (Nicole), please tell us , what type of person your mother would expect to come in the door. In her mind, would the guest be having long hair, or short hair?
'You guys' means a collective group of people. They need not be all male. Only guys get hung up on this.
@kewpie saidYou lost me, here on the debate stage. We are talking about calling a girl a guy, And you are saying that what I am writing is irrelevant. What? ! Is that not what we are talking about? It is indeed relevant..
"Guy" is a mixed plural, if it's just one female it's a girl or a woman or more likely a friend (gender not specified). You're trying to beat up an argument here by creating irrelevancies.
Then tell me this. What is a gal? And, would it follow that we could call a male a gal?