This is disgusting and very disturbing:
All I can say is if I had been there I would have stopped such abuse. And OF COURSE you will just reply about how I am just sucking up to you which is not the case.
Atlanta slayings: Truly is alarming stuff. Note, one of the women spa workers who voted
for Trump said that he said things that made people more anti-Asian. It's a good read.
HATE MAR. 18, 2021
The Message From the Heart of the Atlanta Attacks: ‘America Is Getting Worse’ Asian spa workers on the massacre down the road.
Irene Pan is not the type of woman to be scared. She wasn’t scared when she left China at the age of 21 for the United States. And she wasn’t scared 10 years later when she started Feet Press Spa in northeast Atlanta surrounded by competition from other Asian spa owners.
But what happened Tuesday night terrified her.
“I’m going to go look at getting a gun as soon as possible,” she said the following afternoon inside her spa. “To protect my workers from any criminals.”