She always includes events from ages ago in her arguments.
Of course she ignores the atrocities from her own kind.
It's simple really...
She loved a white man and he hurt her.
The post that was quoted here has been removedHow would you explain the depravity and extreme violence done in the gulags, of Russians against Russians? Of course, there is more diversity than that in Russia, but surely you wouldn't suggest it was Jews, Lats, Mords, Finns, & Tatars torturing poor Russians?
How would you explain the intense violence & massacres by the Khmer Rouge of Cambodia upon other Cambodians?
What of the intense massacres of Koreans on Koreans in the Korean war...?
And what did the Japanese do to Korean women? What did the Japanese do to Chinese civilians?
But instead, y uo are focused on racial narratives as the only explanation for intense acts of violence.
It is misleading.
Was there some amount of racial animosity? I am sure they weren't calling the Vietnamese nice names, but let us also remember, this was a multiracial American force doing a brutal deed.
America has issues.
To suggest the WASP minority disproportionally targets Asians is not doing them justice.
Blacks, catholics, gays, communists, liberals... they’re all equally hated.
Women are acceptable as long as they stay in the kitchen and shut up. Which is probably why they’re so opposed to gender diversity; they don’t know if they should drink beer with them or have them cleaning the house; it’s all too complicated.
Why do you think the WASP men like to drink together, get in man clubs, gang-rape women and things like that? It’s because it’s the only way to express their homosexuality.
That’s why they like guns so much. They’re compensating for not touching other men’s long, hard weapons.
It’s really quite tragic.
why don't you just worry about yourself? Just load up your weapons and lock all the doors and windows, like any normal middle class American ?