Even right wing judges are stepping in to stop discriminatory measures meant to punish transgender teens and interfere with their, their parents and their doctors' decisions regarding their own lives:
"A federal judge issued an order Friday stopping an Indiana ban on puberty blockers and hormones for transgender minors from taking effect as scheduled July 1."
"Hanlon, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, wrote that he was blocking the law from taking effect because its opponents had demonstrated potential irreparable harm to those undergoing treatment and shown “some likelihood of success” in arguments that it was unconstitutional."
One of the other right wing stupid campaigns i.e. against drag shows just got a beating from a judge in Utah:
" The city of St. George must issue a permit for a Utah-based group that organizes drag performances to host an all-ages drag show in a public park, a federal judge ruled, calling the city's attempt to stop the show unconstitutional discrimination.
“Public spaces are public spaces. Public spaces are not private spaces. Public spaces are not majority spaces,” U.S. District Judge David Nuffer wrote in a Friday ruling granting the preliminary injunction requested by the group. “The First Amendment of the United States Constitution ensures that all citizens, popular or not, majority or minority, conventional or unconventional, have access to public spaces for public expression.”
These activist hate campaigns are not faring well in the courts (the "activists" are the ones wanting to pass laws restricting the rights of these minorities, not those who simply want existing laws and Constitutional provisions enforced in a neutral manner).
@earl-of-trumps saidTheoden: What can Men do against such reckless hate?
At Burlington School Pride event students destroyed decorations, chanted “USA are my pronouns”
Music to my chucking ears 🙂
Aragorn: Ride out and meet it.
@divegeester said "People standing up for their right to be gay is a “silly issue” to you?"
EoT: you dam fool, they have had the "right to be gay" for a long time now. This movement is more like -
"Hey look at me. I'm a superstar! Let's have a parade!"
@divegeester said "When I see you’ve written “I’m not anti gay” it reminds of when you write “I’m not pro Trump”.
EoT: And I am not necessarily prop Trump, either. Depends on the issue.
@no1marauder saidYou should learn the difference between an activist and a reactionary, No1.
Theoden: What can Men do against such reckless hate?
Aragorn: Ride out and meet it.
U S A - are my pronouns... I love it!! 😍
@earl-of-trumps saidThe kids who tore down decorations made by the other kids should be disciplined.
You should learn the difference between an activist and a reactionary, No1.
U S A - are my pronouns... I love it!! 😍
The kids who chanted "U S A are my pronouns" should be enrolled in a remedial English class.
In the case of the type of laws being passed against transgender and other minorities the activists are reactionaries.
@earl-of-trumps saidActually it was only 20 years ago that the SCOTUS decided that criminal laws against homosexual acts were unconstitutional over a hysterical dissent by right wing hero Antonin Scalia (joined by two other justices). https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/539/558/
@divegeester said "People standing up for their right to be gay is a “silly issue” to you?"
EoT: you dam fool, they have had the "right to be gay" for a long time now. This movement is more like -
"Hey look at me. I'm a superstar! Let's have a parade!"
@divegeester said "When I see you’ve written “I’m not anti gay ...[text shortened]... --------------------
EoT: And I am not necessarily prop Trump, either. Depends on the issue.
Is that a "long time"?
@no1marauder said - "The kids who tore down decorations made by the other kids should be disciplined."
EoT: Funny.. I feel the same way about the BLM-ers that did a $billion in damages.
@no1marauder said - "The kids who chanted "U S A are my pronouns" should be enrolled in a remedial English class."
EoT: Thos kids are heroic and should be awarded badges of courage in the White House. Awesome job.
@no1marauder saidSeems a tad hypocritical to me, "these" destructive kids are not even on the same planet as the hate filled, destructive and manipulative trans-activists.
The kids who tore down decorations made by the other kids should be disciplined.
The kids who chanted "U S A are my pronouns" should be enrolled in a remedial English class.
In the case of the type of laws being passed against transgender and other minorities the activists are reactionaries.
You know, pot,kettle,black, and that was NOT racist.
@shavixmir saidIn response to the completely bonkers extreme left I suspect. You know, fire with fire and all that. And they are not bonkers for my money, the indoctrination needs to stop. I am fed up with me,me,me,me,me,me. Damn it gets soooo tiring.
My God. The American extreme right are completely bonkers.
@jimmac saidthere is no extreme left in the US. Anyone who says differently is selling propaganda for the extreme right or is a moron fooled by the extreme right.
In response to the completely bonkers extreme left I suspect. You know, fire with fire and all that. And they are not bonkers for my money, the indoctrination needs to stop. I am fed up with me,me,me,me,me,me. Damn it gets soooo tiring.
Complete bonkers to label a demand for free healthcare as extreme as overturning elections and refusing any gun control and actively harming women and trans people.