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666 The Mark of The Beast - What is it?

666 The Mark of The Beast - What is it?


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Originally posted by cadwah
You can use the same login details on all the different sites,

Click on the Forums drop down menu, then click on spirituality.

Please, I think the people in the spirituality forum really need to hear your message.
how many sites are there?

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
one man can make a difference.. and a difference is a change
Differences are only measured by their relativity, and your statement assumes that the relative change will make a difference.

Your assumption is the key to your negativity.

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
how many sites are there?

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Originally posted by cadwah
thank you so much, i started a new thread over there... and thats nuts... are you sure there isn't a sixth site... maybe only on the server side?

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and after all my ramblings i remembered what i wanted to say..


and an edit http://www.iter.org - fusion power is successfull

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Originally posted by player42
Computer barcodes use base-six math in three groups of code. There are those who believe that the barcode is the mark of the beast.
What do I think? I think it's George W. Bush.
I don't know about this. Why then do you see 7's, 8's and 9's in UPCs? (which are made of one specific type of barcode, which I think is the relevant one, since we're talking about buying and selling (as an aside, the US Postal Service uses barcodes to route your mail across the country, but the USPS barcodes are based on an entirely different scheme, and they wouldn't apply to buying and selling in any case))

The real way that 666 (mentioned in Revelation as "six hundred, three score and six", by the way, thus eliminating such confusion as 999 or 616) has relevance to the UPC barcodes is that the UPC uses two groups of id numbers, with the barcode for the number 6 at the beginning, the end, and between the two groups as a delimeter.

My belief is that the "mark of the beast" will be an RF ID chip, just like the ones you get put in your pets, perhaps a little smaller, since they will be implanted in the back of the right hand, and these will be required to buy or sell anything. Imagine paying for your groceries by just waving your hand past a scanner on the way out, and you are automatically billed. This chip will have to be implanted only by your consent, since Revelation, and indeed the entire Bible, is a message of choice.

I'm not so sure what is meant by the "image" of the beast, which is mentioned in Rev. 13 and 20, but it seems clear that our choice should be not only to not take the mark of the beast, but neither to worship the beast nor worship his image. But the beast and the false prophet will deceive many.

And although I'm not too sure that "Loner" has his lid screwed on tightly enough, he does mention what is known in Revelation as the "whore of Babylon", which I believe to be the United States. (I know that's totally off-topic, but I just wanted to throw that in there.)

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whore of babylon being the statue of liberty... just figured i clarify for you...

its kind of hard to walk inside of a woman, go back and read revalations for more clarification...

really its an idol of pride for the US and it stands also in the city of sin-las vegas

not to mention the statue of a female godess from babylon held a torch and a book to light the ways through the underworld... coincidence i think not

and to explain bush;s 'role' , put an american 'puppet' in charge of the world banks, then have our gov't impose universal rfid identification cards upon its citizens (www.unrealid.com), then after it works for our country propose for it to be world wide ... that is whats happening... and one day i may just march up to the capitol and self proclaim what is ours...

my question is "is AQuida actually reall?"

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