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666 The Mark of The Beast - What is it?

666 The Mark of The Beast - What is it?


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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
ok, belief in X etc. you have me lost... you read like a magic card

? you got me lost.... capitalism is worse than a democratic communist state... assuming thats what you are saying

considering capitalism only breeds lies and cheats from powerfull people, and upset homicidal meek people

as where the other way around you have lies and ...[text shortened]... s of our money and the one cut off was jfk... there is the answer i found through living as i do
I'm going to bed.


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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
OK since i don't play chess you can guess why i decided to make an account all to answer your ?'

ok first off all the things i read-- barcodes etc. don't fit the teachings basically because it has to touch the hearts and souls of man and also has to be known by the bearer what it is... cannot be judged for something you did not know...

bas ...[text shortened]... wer , if you have something good to say... i don't take jokes very well these days
I agree with you, I believe that there are many apocalyptic presences which are being inflicted upon us as a people, and a nation, and as a world. I've often felt that not being able to view the ultraviolet spectrum was God's punishment on us for original sin, because if we were pure of heart our limiltess love when we were close to God would enable us to see all wavelengths of light. There is so much we cannot see, there is an entire slive of the universe we cannot see, it is called dark matter, and God has forbidden us from seeing it because right now He hates us. Or hates what we do. I think that when Christ returns, the Constitution will be voted out of existence because Christ will speak before the Senate and tell us to do it so we will. I think your beginning to ask questions is very important, and here you have a worldwide audience, so you should go ahead and ask those questions before all the nations that are here on this site. Please tell me how your name works, because I too understand the signs and feel that you should reveal yourself to be who you are. Barcodes - yes barcodes are indeed the devil's mark, and I have shown by using reverse mathematics that of course, the earth is the center of the universe. Basically when you reverse mathematics, and divide, you have turned many equations upside down and in this form they are understandable to mean that the earth is the center of the universe. I have applied reverse mathematics to barcodes, and I have shown in several forms that the many possible universes have come together to equal just one universe where what is, is...barcodes are really just a different form of stripes anyway, markings like you would find on a zebra, or perhaps a referee, and it's led me to believe that zebras are God's chosen animals.

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
and knowing the 10 heads are the faces of our money and the one cut off was jfk... there is the answer i found through living as i do
How do you live, brother?

Are we, the meek, the starving third world, more fortunate than the New World Order? How will we ever know when we are truly free? How much will freedom cost us all?

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
OK since i don't play chess you can guess why i decided to make an account all to answer your ?'

ok first off all the things i read-- barcodes etc. don't fit the teachings basically because it has to touch the hearts and souls of man and also has to be known by the bearer what it is... cannot be judged for something you did not know...

bas ...[text shortened]... wer , if you have something good to say... i don't take jokes very well these days
I seriously recommend you get professional help, soon. Very soon.

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
OK since i don't play chess you can guess why i decided to make an account all to answer your ?'

ok first off all the things i read-- barcodes etc. don't fit the teachings basically because it has to touch the hearts and souls of man and also has to be known by the bearer what it is... cannot be judged for something you did not know...

bas ...[text shortened]... wer , if you have something good to say... i don't take jokes very well these days
This is fantastic. You're my hero, dude.

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
OK since i don't play chess you can guess why i decided to make an account all to answer your ?'

ok first off all the things i read-- barcodes etc. don't fit the teachings basically because it has to touch the hearts and souls of man and also has to be known by the bearer what it is... cannot be judged for something you did not know...

bas ...[text shortened]... wer , if you have something good to say... i don't take jokes very well these days
What dumbass banee is this ?

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See their bodies out on the ice
Take my time

Am I evil? yes, I am
Am I evil? I am man, yes, I am, ooh

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
What dumbass banee is this ?
ok double reply--- my name and its meaning

samuel (sam) ---- uncle sam, or sam i am
wright --- the meaning is self explanitory- right or wrong
pettey--- petty officer pettey , to be exact- i served the us navy- but got kicked out for smoking weed.... so the meaning of petty is small and insignificant...
as uncle sam is viewed to be Big brother, i am simply little brother
watching big brother screw up

and please don't call me dumb, i was a nuclear electrician, and i also have many other talents, and probably teach a few things about a lot...

thanx for listening....

another ?'s for the others

why does it seem the wiccans and athiests are really not upset at god but really more upset with the people in charge of their lives?

the cost of freedom is only the amount of the freedom you choose, we all choose the majority of the lives we live... if you own a gun, you live in fear of other guns... if you deal drugs, you live in fear of other dealers and the time to get caught... if you have lots of sex with many unknown strangers you live in fear of catching diseases, or being stalked...

further more the freedoms you wish to have that are not given by the men/women in charge are the freedoms you may fight for, but the freedom knowing you have absolute freewill to do what you choose with in the substantiality in reality are the best freedoms of all.

note: god loves all his creatures and the most layward lamb the most, so even satan is loved, but with love there is also hate.

with that said it can be easily explained the difference between righteous hate and ingnorant hate

i need to explain the money thing, it may be helpfull for some

penny- lincoln- and the 5 dollar bill- 1
nickel- jefferson - no bill-2
dime- theodore (TDR) - no bill-3
quarter- GW - 1 dollar bill -4
10 dollar bill- alexander hamilton -5
20 dollar bill - jackson -6
50 dollar bill - ulysses s grant - 7
100 dollar bill- ben franklin -8

the other 2- 50 cent piece - jfk- 9
and the 2 dollar bill- jfk(latest printing)

now to explain why i didn't go back in history--- 1966 or 1963(history sites have different dates) was when "in god we trust" was placed on the money and the above are the bills that actually were circulated through the public hands...although prior there was a limited printing of the same in 1957... i know there are larger bills but these are not seen by the public so they do not count as 'money'.....

and of all of these persons that are above all of them were presidents or the one a general of the south... there for leaving the following as non-figure head leaders

alexander/ ben franklin....

now for the 10th

obviously its not a figure head leader (crowned leader) because we got those 7 already... leaving one head that was cut off.. lets see...
THE One dollar coin... printed for 2000, only really used by the military.... even most vending machines accept them but no longer is actually seen very often... face was sacagawea (indian tribe leader... also gw, and a limited mint printing of presidents)...or susan b anthony was the prior printing.... also have a stature of liberty printing... not legal tender),

the new 2007 printing has 4 presidents only one not mentioned before was john adams... as you can tell with the crowned part that i am also trying to point out , well technically it can go both ways, since ulyses s grant technically wasn't a president.... so i really don't think the 2007 printing will be very public but it is legal tender, and at that point there are 11 heads due to the recent printings of that coin but the coin still is the same and currently is holding 5-6 different faces but still is not used as money very widely...

i am sure this explains my comment in full regarding the original reason this thread was made and the chapters of the bible which it comes...

considering no other country has that many heads on their money

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
ok double reply--- my name and its meaning

samuel (sam) ---- uncle sam, or sam i am
wright --- the meaning is self explanitory- right or wrong
pettey--- petty officer pettey , to be exact- i served the us navy- but got kicked out for smoking weed.... so the meaning of petty is small and insignificant...
as uncle sam is viewed to be Big brot ...[text shortened]... which it comes...

considering no other country has that many heads on their money
It worries me that someone of your obvious derangement is allowed access to computers and the general public.

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Originally posted by Starrman
It worries me that someone of your obvious derangement is allowed access to computers and the general public.
Geeze, StarryWan!!!... 🙄 One of those detentes where you and I agree again....

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Originally posted by Starrman
It worries me that someone of your obvious derangement is allowed access to computers and the general public.
that scares you?! Dude - he was a nuclear electrician for the navy!

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Originally posted by belgianfreak
that scares you?! Dude - he was a [b]nuclear electrician for the navy![/b]
nuclear electrician's scare me about the same as myself, as my greatest fear is myself...
(and not to mention yes i was that for 5 and a half years... getting kicked out only made them mad i was leaving)
they are the world's greatest power, well the nuclear people in the navy that is all they have to do is do a mas coupe by throwing away a limited item that they need to have to read the radiation they recieve per day, and well they own the navy.... can't operate with out the item and well they are no longer made and the navy has a small amount of such

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Originally posted by Loner not by choice
nuclear electrician's scare me about the same as myself, as my greatest fear is myself...
(and not to mention yes i was that for 5 and a half years... getting kicked out only made them mad i was leaving)
they are the world's greatest power, well the nuclear people in the navy that is all they have to do is do a mas coupe by throwing away a limi ...[text shortened]... te with out the item and well they are no longer made and the navy has a small amount of such
I think you spent too long near the reactor.

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Originally posted by Nemesio
I seem to remember reading that, although the bible now has 666, that some theorize that it originally read 1666. 1666, or more clearly MDCLXI, is a euphamism for the Roman Empire; that is the author of Revelation (Apocalypse) was using a metaphor to point at the Roman Empire as epitomising "The Beast" so to speak.

1666?... my named adds to that 😕

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Originally posted by EcstremeVenom
1666?... my named adds to that 😕
take the double letters out of the year 1776 you got 1666, 1 dollar bill

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