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And yet, it would appear, she has given you one of those thumbs down.

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Whoa! Are you threatening me, chav?

I can dance. Not in here, of course, but where it matters.

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Originally posted by FMF
I heard about your Finland connection in a post you wrote on this forum, albeit a long time ago. I hear you've moved somewhere else in the meantime. I've got no idea about your Facebook account or what you've said there. It's kind of funny how you imagine that divegeester and I chat about where you live!
Oh shut up, scum. Of the zillion characters I have played not a single
one has made use of my real whereabouts, name, occupation or the
like. Fact is, your pet wrote here, himself, that he talks often by phone
with two users, one of them you. And both of you have openly
discussed where you live, but not me. The math is simple.

What else would you two talk about other than inane stuff? If anyone
here would be remotely smart, interesting, or cool... wouldn't be here
for starters.

So, do us all a favor and just assume that nobody buys your crap.
Other than your cronies, of course.


Originally posted by Seitse
Oh shut up, scum. Of the zillion characters I have played not a single
one has made use of my real whereabouts, name, occupation or the
like. Fact is, your pet wrote here, himself, that he talks often by phone
with two users, one of them you.
That you like to think divegeester and I chat on the phone about where you live is so precious of you! Truth is you're lying and trying to deflect with your er... "edgy, innovative humour". I have absolutely no idea what your name is or what your occupation is, and I don't give two hoots. I got the Finland thing from one of your posts here. Maybe you were drunk when you posted about it and don't recall. But I'll just as soon assume you are telling a silly little porky and think you're going to squeeze some of that edginess and innovation stuff out of acting all indignant and hurling schoolboy insults. 😛

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Now we know where dive got his routine of "edgy humor". Thanks for
proving my point that (a) you're just a medium fish in a small pond,
nothing else, and (b) dive is a sock puppet repeating what you instruct
him to. Hey, I give you that: you are smarter than he is. Here, have a
Nobel Prize for that.

Stay irrelevant, chav king. Natives must be in awe every time you
parade through their villages with your Burger King crown and red silk


Originally posted by Seitse
Now we know where dive got his routine of "edgy humor".
But we both got it from you. You once claimed here on the General Forum that the mostly nasty puerile "humour" you peddle here is "edgy" and "innovative". Your own daft and deluded terminology has simply been appropriated..Maybe you were drunk when you said it and don't recall.


31 pages in 5 hrs. I leave for a minute and you kids create bedlam.

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Originally posted by FMF
But we both got it from you. You once claimed here on the General Forum that the mostly nasty puerile "humour" you peddle here is "edgy" and "innovative". Your own daft and deluded terminology has simply been appropriated..Maybe you were drunk when you said it and don't recall.
Nice try.

Only the tiny emperor you are can't see he's wearing no clothes.


Originally posted by Seitse
Nice try.

Only the tiny emperor you are can't see he's wearing no clothes.
Oh. So edgy!


Originally posted by FMF
Oh. So edgy!
You ran out of words, I see.

I guess it really depleted you to move your sock puppet and your own
mouth trying to defend your hypocrisy and lowness. I'm sure your
'friends' are very comfortable sharing bits of their private lives with you.

I'll PM you my credit card info right away.

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Originally posted by Seitse
You ran out of words, I see.

edit: almost

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Originally posted by chaney3
Are you sick, as Very Rusty suggested?

Are you taking medications?
Just a little diversion from the broken record player. I am on medication. The resperidone injection and it is nasty.
It isn't by choice that I am taking it but the choice of immigrants who believe the meds have made me well. That's when I stop living the delusions of extremist behavior such as violence against the police and links to terrorists to find out you now have a neatly trimmed beard all of which is imaginations of immigrants who fail to understand English.

When I say NO I mean NO. It's a shame some people fail to understand the most basic of English.


Originally posted by FMF
Yeah yeah... snake, pussy, assshole, pansy, homo, dipshlt, liar, cad, coward, disgusting, pedophile, licking scrotums, predator, evil, mentally ill, slime, stalker, morally repugnant blah blah blah ... what a ever-so-funny and principled bunch Suzianne's vociferous supporters are. 😉

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... because of their 'beliefs'.



Why not tell me what I am trying to do in these exchanges, also what others see, and who they are that see it? If you can't do that STOP talking sillyness to me.

Kindest Regards,
Your Clan Brother, so far,

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