Originally posted by wolfgang59How is it that the bloody British make room in their budget for very, very expensive CGI, props, bribes and bullets, aka UK Space Agency, aka Nearly Half A Billion US Dollars, but they couldn't afford to keep the 75 camera system on in Westminster--- off since September 2016!
And here is more SpaceX fraud.
These fakes must be costing the world government a fortune!
Just think what we might have been able to see about that vicious terror attack just a week ago!
Prolly a coincidence...
Originally posted by FreakyKBHWestminster Council is a local authority which makes its own decisions.
How is it that the bloody British make room in their budget for very, very
[b]expensive CGI, props, bribes and bullets, aka UK Space Agency,
aka Nearly Half A Billion US Dollars, but they couldn't afford to keep the 75
camera system on in Westminster--- off since September 2016!
Just think what we might have been able to see about that vicious terror attack just a week ago!
Prolly a coincidence...[/b]
You don't think money saved from shutting down the antiquated CCTV system went
to the UK Space Agency do you?
Also how would CCTV have affected the events of 22nd March?
PS. The British do not over react to terrorism.
Originally posted by FreakyKBH"We" have established that. In your flaccid dreams. You have no valid arguments. I am through talking about all this, go back to your fantasy world, hold your head deeply in your ass and live in darkness the rest of your days.
Whatever you're expecting me to prove with math relative to optics, I'm not certain as the claim I made which had anything at all to do with the topic of optics (nice ring to it) still stands without a challenge:
"How are distant objects which ought to be below the horizon visible?"
And I gave plenty of anecdotal proofs, although it's a concep ...[text shortened]... their policy allows them to lie about anything, why would you trust them to tell the truth ever?
1 edit
Originally posted by sonhouseYou have an interesting (and predictable) pattern: insult, introduce irrelevant and wholly theoretical topics, and then when the conversation turns to specific nuts and bolts which can be verified by anyone... you abandon ship!
"We" have established that. In your flaccid dreams. You have no valid arguments. I am through talking about all this, go back to your fantasy world, hold your head deeply in your ass and live in darkness the rest of your days.
For instance, despite your admiration for the agency, you've never once defended their reputation when challenged on the topic of their exclusive use of altered images of the earth--- never unretouched photographs, always images.
To defend them, you needed only provide a single unaltered photograph, and yet, nearly two years later, you've not even tried a single time.
I let this one go, but you couldn't explain how that commemorative football got on board, either.
For that one, you feigned confusion, threw in some bluster and I eventually let you off the hook, but it still stands as yet another internally contradictory instance of NASA's fakery.
And even here, the constant and verifiable visibility of distant objects, is a topic which can immediately be tested, proved, retested, verified and in all aspects of any scientific method one wishes to use, falsified, you opt to sidestep and walk away.
We both know you will be back at the topic at some point in the very near future, just as we both know you will again follow the same pattern when you do:
• insult
• introduce irrelevant and theoretical topics
ignore salient challenges
• abandon ship
• rinse
• repeat
I wouldn't presume to offer advice, but my suggestion is to address the challenges I've put before you as though you really wanted to disprove my claims, instead of making counter claims which we both know have failed as a substitute for anything resembling "victory" except in the popularity contest.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHJust like at the Pentagon one of the most monitored buildings in the world.
How is it that the bloody British make room in their budget for very, very [b]expensive CGI, props, bribes and bullets, aka UK Space Agency, aka Nearly Half A Billion US Dollars, but they couldn't afford to keep the 75 camera system on in Westminster--- off since September 2016!
Just think what we might have been able to see about that vicious terror attack just a week ago!
Prolly a coincidence...[/b]
Come 9/11 all the cameras were turned off.
How queer !
Originally posted by Captain StrangeProlly just a coincidence.
Just like at the Pentagon one of the most monitored buildings in the world.
Come 9/11 all the cameras were turned off.
How queer !
Remember when shaky Polaroid pictures or grainy camcorder recordings of Sasquatch or alleged UFO's were all the rage?
Then cell phones proliferated and the sightings followed an inverse trajectory: more cameras, less recordings.
False flags are the cell phone era's Sasquatch/UFO: the appearance of proof is an out-of-focus, shaking cell phone recording... And people are buying it at premium prices, they're just silly for it!
Originally posted by Captain StrangeAnother 'just one of those silly things, but we're sure there's nothing to it' oddity noted in the rash of (shaky awe-filled whispered/hush-hush voice, shhhhh... ) w o r l d w i d e TERROR ATTACKSSSS!™ of late, is the lottery-defying odds that all or most of the eye-witnesses to these outstandingly horrific events have been professional journalists, photo-journalists, actors and musicians... who just happened to be there while it all unfolded... at each one of them.
Just like at the Pentagon one of the most monitored buildings in the world.
Come 9/11 all the cameras were turned off.
How queer !
Had we had just your average Joe Schmoe loitering around when those totally and completely random and definitely not planned, choreographed and executed by any organized group of unknowns by any means, accidents occurred, how could we trust his biases wouldn't totally cloud his memory and witness testimony?
How did we get so lucky!
Originally posted by wolfgang59They were turned off back in September 2016, so it wasn't a just-in-time act, but who ever planned the false flag certainly was able to take it into consideration.
Not alike at all.
Westminster cameras decommissioned months before "attack" by local government.
Get a grip man!
I'm sure the picturesque background also factored into the choosing of the site; these folks follow predictable patterns which are readily visible if you know what those patterns are.
Originally posted by FreakyKBHSpot on.
They were turned off back in September 2016, so it wasn't a just-in-time act, but who ever planned the false flag certainly was able to take it into consideration.
I'm sure the picturesque background also factored into the choosing of the site; these folks follow predictable patterns which are readily visible if you know what those patterns are.
Originally posted by sonhouseIn the whole history of skyscrapers world wide only 3 have ever collapsed due to fire.
Hey El Capitan Strangel, do you really believe all this bullshyte? Man never walked on the moon, we live on a flat planet and all that garbage?
All 3 on the same day Sept. 11 2001.
Many skyscrapers have burnt ferociously for 24hrs + and been re furbished and are still in use.
We are being lied to all day every day.
Originally posted by Captain StrangeFunny you should answer with the bit about the 911 tragedy. Is that your main conspiracy theory or do you delve into others like the Freak?
In the whole history of skyscrapers world wide only 3 have ever collapsed due to fire.
All 3 on the same day Sept. 11 2001.
Many skyscrapers have burnt ferociously for 24hrs + and been re furbished and are still in use.
We are being lied to all day every day.
I know first responders didn't view it as a setup. I know, I spent 24 hours at Red Cross headquarters in Manhattan that day and night. I am expert on radios and helped set up ham radio's to talk to the real hero's in the street, getting info about what school (used for shelters) needed what, water, food, blankets and so forth. It was a busy night and day.
I think that's all you have is theory, just like the moon landing hoax, based on nothing. Every point has been refuted just like the moon landing hoaxes. Most of the conspiracy theorists here are 1200 rated players so I am surprised an 1800 player such as yourself would fall for that crap.
Originally posted by sonhouseThere are three belief approaches among all people from all walks of life.
Funny you should answer with the bit about the 911 tragedy. Is that your main conspiracy theory or do you delve into others like the Freak?
I know first responders didn't view it as a setup. I know, I spent 24 hours at Red Cross headquarters in Manhattan that day and night. I am expert on radios and helped set up ham radio's to talk to the real hero's i ...[text shortened]... e 1200 rated players so I am surprised an 1800 player such as yourself would fall for that crap.
The first group accepts the official narrative without a second thought.
The second group considers the evidence before formulating any belief.
The third group either considers the evidence and rejects any challenges to the official narrative on account of the possible ramifications, or simply rejects any challenges for the same reason, sans any consideration of evidence either way.
The third group is the most treasonous, treacherous.
They join with the official narrative unconvinced by evidence but persuaded by acquiescence to the balance of power: if the power becomes imbalanced, what will we do?
Without any question, 911 was from the inside.
To say otherwise is an affront to reality and to the peoples whose lives were snuffed, filed under 'collateral damage.'
Originally posted by FreakyKBHWhatever you say flatasser. This coming from a dude who thinks there are no such things as satellites, GPS is done from ground stations, NASA ALWAYS lies, there is no such thing as Coriolis effect, Earth cannot be spinning because it is somewhat flat even though every other planet in the Solar system are obviously round.
There are three belief approaches among all people from all walks of life.
The first group accepts the official narrative without a second thought.
The second group considers the evidence before formulating any belief.
The third group either considers the evidence and rejects any challenges to the official narrative on account of the possible rami ...[text shortened]... affront to reality and to the peoples whose lives were snuffed, filed under 'collateral damage.'
You are so far out in left field you cannot know reality when it hits you in the face.
You think GPS is from ground stations, put your freaky money where your mouth is, prove it. Not just assinine statements venturing opinion but real proof, shouldn't be too hard for someone of your incredible intelligence, civilization changing intelligence as you already admitted.
But as is your known MO, you would not venture into that, just more mealy mouth bullshyte about footballs as if that is supposed to prove there are no GPS satellites or any other according to you. Even though I personally saw the ISS go overhead and people, not NASA but amateur astronomers have nice images of it. But of course following your MO, they would also have to be added to the list of liars and collaberators with that lying NASA.
You are very predictable.
I already said GPS works just fine in the middle of the Pacific ocean, literally thousands of miles from land. You show me the floating repeaters it would be needed to do that job. Show me photo's of those floating repeater stations. And in the meantime, take an online course in microwave technology, MAYBE you might learn something. But that is also your MO, you don't WANT to learn anything about real technology, that might spoil your flatass religion.
Oh, you can't. Well then, you will just ignore that one yet again and fall back on mysterious footballs.
Your real game is seeing how long you can get people to respond, true to your troll nature.
And I imagine you will have a little chuckle getting me to respond yet again. Just like a troll.