-Removed-First of all, fanboi, stop the gaslighting and the misrepresentation. You've made a hobby of twisting my words, especially while I'm not here to defend them. My post, which explained everything that you seem so 'bothered' by, was deleted along with the thread it was in. You took advantage of that by building an untrue narrative of what you consider my story is. It is decidedly not that, but still you cling to it.
Now I'm getting blowback from users I don't know, who claim to know my story, yet they have details wrong, exactly as you have re-imagined them.
You need to climb right down off my ass about this, as you're only steering this narrative your way, which has precious little to do with the truth.
There's only one thing I want from you. Stop lying about me. That's it. I understand it's hard to stop when you've invested so much of what little forum credibility you have into this, but just man up and just stop.
-Removed-You don't think angels and angel visitations play a key role in the Bible? You don't think if those stories were stripped away it wouldn't compromise the biblical narrative?
Take, for example, the visitation of the angel Gabriel to Mary and Joseph and how things would have panned out differently had Mary suddenly found herself pregnant without angelical explanation.