@fmf saidEasy boy, relax. Don't get your undies in a twist. If you say I was here between 2013 and 2018 then that's good enough for me.
You know full well what I am referring to, claims that you are rolling on the floor notwithstanding. They were not impressive times for you on the Spirituality Forum. 2018 may well have been the nadir.
14 Feb 23
@kilroy70 saidMy undies are not "in a twist". Far from it.
Easy boy, relax. Don't get your undies in a twist. If you say I was here between 2013 and 2018 then that's good enough for me.
Look, the way I see it, you retiring an account that had become a rather dreary self-parody ~ especially on the Spirituality Forum ~ and then restarting another one a few years later is absolutely fine.
You have not been using it to fiddle with the chess ratings [by having the accounts play each other etc.] and you weren't banned. So everything is fine, to my way of thinking at least.
However, you pretending that this - i.e. shelving an old account and restarting with a new one - is somehow not what you did strikes me as a bit peculiar.
@fmf saidI'm confused. Are you saying I don't have two accounts, or that I do but retired the first one?
My undies are not "in a twist". Far from it.
Look, the way I see it, you retiring an account that had become a rather dreary self-parody ~ especially on the Spirituality Forum ~ and then restarting another one a few years later is absolutely fine.
You have not been using it to fiddle with the chess ratings [by having the accounts play each other etc.] and you weren't bann ...[text shortened]... ld account and restarting with a new one - is somehow not what you did strikes me as a bit peculiar.
What does "retiring" an account mean?
@kilroy70 saidIt means your other account has not been used since 2018 [to play chess at least, I don't know about posting on the Debates Forum] and this account ~ the one that you are using now ~ was set up in late 2021. As I say, it's all fine by me, but pretending that this isn't so just comes across as odd and pointless. Pretending to be "confused" isn't going to work.
I'm confused. Are you saying I don't have two accounts, or that I do but retired the first one?
What does "retiring" an account mean?
@fmf saidSaying "it's all fine by me" doesn't answer my question. Do I have two active accounts or don't I?
It means your other account has not been used since 2018 [to play chess at least, I don't know about posting on the Debates Forum] and this account ~ the one that you are using now ~ was set up in late 2021. As I say, it's all fine by me, but pretending that this isn't so just comes across as odd and pointless. Pretending to be "confused" isn't going to work.
Never mind, I see you did answer my question.
So here's the million dollar question. Is it against the rules to have two active accounts, even if one of them has been voluntarily "retired"?
There is a point to my asking these questions
14 Feb 23
@kilroy70 saidI haven't suggested that it's "against the rules". I have even told you repeatedly that it's fine by me that you have done this. I just think you are being strange by pretending that you are not the same person with the two accounts.
So here's the million dollar question. Is it against the rules to have two active accounts, even if one of them has been voluntarily "retired"?
There is a point to my asking these questions
@kilroy70 saidAbout 13 years ago, on the Debates Forum, before your time, I stopped using "FMF", having tired of the forum's grotty atmosphere [it's much worse now, incidentally] and - after a break - I posted with a new account in order to have a bit of fun satirizing some of the ludicrously extreme far-right riffs that were prevailing at that time.
There is a point to my asking these questions
It was a prank. Numerous people were in on it. It lasted about four weeks. As soon as someone said they thought it was me using a different account, I simply came clean. No oddness, no further deceit [aside from the prank], no faffing around about it, as you are doing. I resumed posting as FMF and the second account fell into disuse.
@fmf saidTired of answering questions? Very well, now it's my turn to play detective
About 13 years ago, on the Debates Forum, before your time, I stopped using "FMF", having tired of the forum's grotty atmosphere [it's much worse now, incidentally] and - after a break - I posted with a new account in order to have a bit of fun satirizing some of the ludicrously extreme far-right riffs that were prevailing at that time.
It was a prank. Numerous people were in ...[text shortened]... around about it, as you are doing. I resumed posting as FMF and the second account fell into disuse.
A while back (at a different thread) Dive posted a list of people who left the site. It was also a list of unflattering names they had called him. I'm sure he still has that list.
At this thread, after 10 minutes of searching he says he knows who I am. hmmm, could it be someone on that list (he asked sarcastically)
In the time I've been here he has vacillated between saying I'm a returning user, not a returning user, returning user, not a returning user ad nauseum. And now, after nearly a year of butting heads he suddenly knows who I am.
I think he found a suitable candidate.