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America and Europe

America and Europe


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Originally posted by c99ux
erm... How many of the United States have a polulation of more than 50,000,000? Or more than 65,000,000 if you include the whole of Great Britain? Or 69,200,006 if you include the whole of the UK?
Are you implying that there are 4 million, two hundred thousand and six people in that wee Northern Ireland?

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Originally posted by whitedimon
Stop with the hill dilly comments
You are showing you’re stupidity
haha, hilly dilly? and you say I'm stupid. priceless. by the way, the lawn looks great, nice job, enjoy your nickel

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Originally posted by PocketKings
haha, hilly dilly? and you say I'm stupid. priceless. by the way, the lawn looks great, nice job, enjoy your nickel
It was din fun working for you. For 2 nickel I can suck your d!ck

Ther is no more to say

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Originally posted by whitedimon
It was din fun working for you. For 2 nickel I can suck your d!ck

Ther is no more to say
well that was just a little weird. are you coming out of the closet? sorry, I prefer woman. oh well. bye bye then

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Originally posted by sjeg
Are you implying that there are 4 million, two hundred thousand and six people in that wee Northern Ireland?
... and the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands and the Scilies...
No, I probably got the numbers a little wrong, but how many of the United States have a population of more than 50,000,000?

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Originally posted by c99ux
... and the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands and the Scilies...
No, I probably got the numbers a little wrong, but how many of the United States have a population of more than 50,000,000?
No stae has 50,000,000 people...California will have that many in 20 years....

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Originally posted by chancremechanic
No stae has 50,000,000 people...California will have that many in 20 years....
If you count the damn illegals it definately has over 50,000,000

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Originally posted by sjeg

That's rubbush... whoops - that's a genuine type-o, but I think I'll leave it in.

It might remind some people that a basic understanding of geography is a handy thing to have.
It might indeed !
And when you acquire the basics, perhaps you will understand
the difference between a continent and a country.

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Originally posted by xs
It might indeed !
And when you acquire the basics, perhaps you will understand
the difference between a continent and a country.
Indeed I do, my patriotic friend. My post was in response to a claim (not yours, but thank you for your valuable input) that: "anytime the word america is used, everyone thinks of the United States of AMERICA. We are known as AMERICANS".

I dispute that, as America is a continent, and not a country. That is the way it was last time I looked, anyway.

"American" as an adjective refers to all those whose origins lie on that continent, North and South.

To differentiate, most people have a special word for people from your country: e.g. 'statiunitense" in Italian, and the slang term "Yank" in English. Columbus did not discover the U.S.A., and Amerigo Vespucci does not lend his name to your country. Please get these basics learnt off before getting involved in any future embarassing mishaps.

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Originally posted by c99ux
... and the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands...
These are not part of the UK.

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Originally posted by Bowmann
These are not part of the UK.
what are they part of?

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