Originally posted by GatecrasherI know one person who made a fair bit of cash from selling Amway.
The products are top quality, but very expensive. There's no huge downside, but you (or your wife) will initially be tempted to buy a lot of the products in order to kickstart the business. I doubt if more than 1 or 2 percent of Amway members receive more cash than they spend.
As with everything, you have to be suited to the job. They don't sell themselves, and if you're not naturally a salesman, then its not for you.
I don't know how reliable this source is but, from my own experience, this seems pretty accurate:
"In the largest of all MLMs, Amway, only 1/2 of one percent of all distributors make it to the basic level of "direct" distributor, or "platinum," and the average income of all Amway distributors is about $40 a month. That is gross income before taxes and expenses. When costs are factored, it is obvious that nearly all suffer a loss. Making it to direct, however, is not a ticket to profitability, but to greater losses. When the Wisconsin Attorney General filed charges against Amway, tax returns from all distributors in the state revealed an average net loss of $918 for that state's direct distributors."