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An apology from Cribs

An apology from Cribs


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Originally posted by D43M0N

Shizzle happens, foo', you gotta learn the lingo that these other foo' can't progress too...

That was absoltue crap.

Lemme put it this way.

People say crap on these forums. Everyone does. Personal attacks happen every day, and in most threads. Some people take it in stride, some bitch about it for months.
Apologies are a thing that we need more of on this site.
the fact that personal attacks in so many threads is one of the major problems. Many people don't feel able to post in the forums because they will just be attacked. Just because some are able to "take it in stride" doesn't mean that it's OK when it excludes others.

Shouldn't it be simple:

if in your post you add an insult or an attack on a person (not an attack on thier opinions) then you have made your post moderatable. We all know when we have overstepped this line shouldn't be supprised if we are moderated.

if you feel that you have been insulted or personally attacked in a manner that you don't appreciate then alert the post. It doesn't matter how innocuous the insult was, if it exists then it should be removed. Likewise, it doesn't matter if the insult was masked in humour or sacrasm, if it is insulting to the recipients person then it is still an insult so will be removed.

if you are insulted but do not alert the post then that is your choice. This is what allows room for friendly banter and 'toy fights'. But don't come complaining later that X's posts weren't removed if you didn't alert them at the time. The inconsistancy is your nnot the mods.

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Cribs, you very suspended for a reason. That you don't agree with that reason is your poblem, not ours. Take it up with Russ if you feel disadvantaged by it.

Oh wait! What's this?! A private messaging sytem! How long has that been here???

Good decision or not, he IS a moderator. As long as he is one you have no right to start these threads. Take it up with Russ, so he can look into it. If he decides to let him be a moderator you are in the wrong. If he decides in your favor, he won't be moderator much longer. In any case, keep the forum a nice place by refraining from threads like this.


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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn

If someone wants to call me a p*thetic w*nker, then that is fine by me.

Well, that at least is my humble opinion ...

Hey Boris
You are a p*thetic w*nker

so come join Winkers R Us
🙂 🙂

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I do enjoy Cribs' writing style, that's for sure. In the post starting this thread, I fully expected to see the phrase "but flash is an honorable man," a la marc antony.

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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn
Cribs, you go man... One of the 7 recs. is from me ...


Cause I'm sick and tired of all those talk about to say and what not to say ...

If someone wants to call me a p*thetic w*nker, then that is fine by me. At least then I know where I am at ... This whole pretentious don't step on anyones toe's business is boring and annoyi ...[text shortened]... mn right want to tell him/her that ...

Well, that at least is my humble opinion ...

whatever happened to the boris who once wrote

you must really NOT use this language within this community. No-one here has insulted you personally and all you did with your last comments is make people dislike you.

do you really want this place to turn in to a 'survival of the foulest' jungle?

it may be your humble opinion, but it isn't the intent of these forums.

in friendship,

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Originally posted by Cribs
Fight Fire with Fire!
fight fire with fire and this place will soon burn down.

in friendship,

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Well, that position is also rather extreme. I'm not one of those people who advocates "middle grounds" blindly, but in this case I think finesse and detachment are called for, though I obviously rarely achieve either.
RC, I sent an apology to you for any confusion my statement
may have casued, but for some reason, unexplained to me,
it was deleted. In short, I was just quoting some Metallica
songs, as I always do whenever I converse with Boris. Again,
my apologies to anybody who misundertsood, and I will
try to be more explicit about this in the future whenever
I quote Metallica songs, as I always do, when I converse
with Boris.

Dr. Cribs

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Mike - I'd love to join the W*nkers Clan, but couldn't measure up to their top W*nker ...

Cribs - The way to go, Fight fire with Fire ...

All the others ... I would NOT start insulting people for no reason, but if people think they can take the mickey (out of me) then I'd just love to have the right to defend myself here. I personally don't need a baby-sitter (moderator) to protect me from the evil but understand their job and acknowledge their endless attempt to even out the waves at RHP ... With that I go back to being quite and peaceful...

It just seems to me that latetly all we are talking about are incremental things like potential insults, the heaviness of them and what to do to people that used a **** word ...

And let's face it, a **** word would not be used without a reason and if you ever get called a **** word, you might want to think, hang on why did he/she call me that ??? The ball is in your court people,

So in that sense, yeah, fight fire with fire ... If there is no fire in the first place then there is nothing to fight about


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Originally posted by Cribs
RC, I sent an apology to you for any confusion my statement
may have casued, but for some reason, unexplained to me,
it was deleted. In short, I was just quoting some Metallica
songs, as I always do whenever I converse with Boris. Again,
my apologies to anybody who misundertsood, and I will
try to be more explicit about this in the future whenever
I quote Metallica songs, as I always do, when I converse
with Boris.

Dr. Cribs
I was lost as to it's reference too. Maybe some speach marks would make it clearer in the future, just so people know that you are quoting and not promoting anarcistic view points.

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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn
With that I go back to being quite and peaceful...
well that's a relief!
for a while i thought you were ticked with me because i didn't know what metal was.

in fiendship,

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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn
Mike - I'd love to join the W*nkers Clan, but couldn't measure up to their top W*nker ...

Cribs - The way to go, Fight fire with Fire ...

All the others ... I would NOT start insulting people for no reason, but if people think they can take the mickey (out of me) then I'd just love to have the right to defend myself here. I personally don't n ...[text shortened]... there is no fire in the first place then there is nothing to fight about


If you look at how most threads deteriorate into mudslinging and name calling you can trace them back to the first insult, most times quite benign but still intended to insult. That insult lead to another, which lead to another... and before long the thread has lost all credability.

What I'd hope is that people would resist the urge to throw that first insult. Like you say, if no one starts the fire then there is no reason to fight back. If this means we have to all insults that are objected to (ie. alerted) then fine by me. Maybe then people would realise that if they want their posts to remain up then they should be polite in them.

I'd also hope that people, if insulted, would alert the offending post instead of retaliating. As in many parts of the world hitting back just makes a bigger mess. Otherwise we have entire threads of mud.

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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn
Mike - I'd love to join the W*nkers Clan, but couldn't measure up to their top W*nker ...

I'm well known for my superb membership, we will all go to great lengths to help you fit in. Just start at the bottom and the clan will grow on you Boris, we won't mock your short comings


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Originally posted by claretnblue
I'm well known for my superb membership, we will all go to great lengths to help you fit in. Just start at the bottom and the clan will grow on you Boris, we won't mock your short comings

Is this a personal attack or a humorous metaphor?
It would be great if you could make that clear somehow,
as it would help me to decide whether to Alert this
post in the interest of a safe community.

Dr. Cribs

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