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An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth


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Originally posted by SPDChess
Save the Bees!
free the bee!

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Originally posted by st00p1dfac3
What Gore does or doesn't do isn't the point. Can you accept that a person you don't necessarily like might be able to tell you things that are true? Just because a person is a hypocrite it doesn't change the facts they're speaking about. Your argument seems to be "X is not following his own advice. Therefore everything X tells me is untrue." This i ...[text shortened]... s bad all day long while sucking on 45 Johnny Blue's and I'm still right about smoking.
What I don't like is a man who can have an effect on my life, by getting dubious legislation (happens everyday) passed, and he is a hypocrite. I am a member of 3 different conservation groups, one is for the native fish in North America... I see what is effecting them... I know there is an environmental problem... giving this guy any credence is dangerous, because as he as proven he does not care about the environment... he is using it for his personal gain.

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..when international communism was wholly discredited at the end of the 20th century it changed it's color to green so that the international authoritarianism and anti-capital position could continue in the politacally correct "environmental movement"....

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Originally posted by reinfeld
..when international communism was wholly discredited at the end of the 20th century it changed it's color to green so that the international authoritarianism and anti-capital position could continue in the politacally correct "environmental movement"....
I'm surprised you were able to type that without your tongue going right through your cheek and poking out of your face.


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Originally posted by lepomis
What I don't like is a man who can have an effect on my life, by getting dubious legislation (happens everyday) passed, and he is a hypocrite. I am a member of 3 different conservation groups, one is for the native fish in North America... I see what is effecting them... I know there is an environmental problem... giving this guy any credence is dangerous, ...[text shortened]... as he as proven he does not care about the environment... he is using it for his personal gain.
al gore?

giving up politics, preaching peer-reviewed scientific facts about global warming since the 70's, all just for personal gain.

what a cunning get-rich-scheme!

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Originally posted by reinfeld
..when international communism was wholly discredited at the end of the 20th century it changed it's color to green so that the international authoritarianism and anti-capital position could continue in the politacally correct "environmental movement"....
aha. i'd like to be clear here. are you saying that anyone who agrees wholeheartedly with the environmental movement on the subject of climate change - which would include, i suppose anyone that thinks gore got it right in his presentation/movie - is in fact a communist?

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Originally posted by wormwood
al gore?

giving up politics, preaching peer-reviewed scientific facts about global warming since the 70's, all just for personal gain.

what a cunning get-rich-scheme!
I agree

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I have just read the "chilling stars" by Henrik Svensmark.

I am certainly no scientist - I do believe that I need to get as much info as possible to give me an idea on what is happening and as to whether the warning we are seeing is any greater than what has been seen before. Or of course if it is happening at a faster rate etc etc.

I would thoroughly recommend this book and I believe it asks some very poignant questions.

There are many reasons why we should reduce carbon emissions. However I am not convinced that global warming is one of them.

One has to remember that science is not founded on democracy. Until quite recently the vast majority of science did not believe in plate tectonics. (I believe it was not until the 70s this was agreed upon.)

We certainly can not ignore the fact that CO2 might be having an affect because if it is we need to act now - however we should not close our minds to other possibilities. And the more I read the more I am starting to doubt the CO2 argument.

And finally the weatherforecasters can not predict accurately what the weather will be like next week - I doubt their certainty on prediciting it in 100 years time

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of course not all conservationists or environmentals ( normal or of the
chicken little variety ) are communists...that would be a ridiculous and i only get ridiculous after 3:00 p.m...but it is true that the international socialists have fled to the extreme wing of the "green movement" both economically and politically...just letting you know where to look for what seems to have disappeared...they are still here...they have the same agenda...world secular control and the green movement is for these discredited world extremists a usefull tool...

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Nothing any individual does will make any difference at all. This problem will either be dealt with by governments or it won't be. Write letters, join groups, hold up signs, or write rhp posts. Fine. But when 40% of greenhouse gases come from power generating plants, another 20% come from vehicle emissions, and the vast majority of what's left via the manufacturing processes, it's up to governments to do something about it through regulation and legislation. The average individual produces just about 0 greenhouse gas in comparison except maybe after eating some nasty mexican food.

Yammer on all you want, but really, what's the point. The only thing you can do is vote strategically next time your election comes up if it's really that important to you 😞

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Originally posted by uzless
Nothing any individual does will make any difference at all. This problem will either be dealt with by governments or it won't be. Write letters, join groups, hold up signs, or write rhp posts. Fine. But when 40% of greenhouse gases come from power generating plants, another 20% come from vehicle emissions, and the vast majority of what's left via the man ...[text shortened]... vote strategically next time your election comes up if it's really that important to you 😞
You could buy compact florescent light bulbs...

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Originally posted by lepomis
You could buy compact florescent light bulbs...
that would come under electrical generating facilities.

And by the way, the government of ontario introduced legislation banning incandescent lightbulbs....like i said...legislation and regulation.

It's the only way to force people to do the right thing. Most won't until forced.

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Originally posted by reinfeld
...great ?...good science ?...the united nations report on global warming estimates millimeters of ocean rise in 50 years....mr. gore said
it is 20 feet...who do you think has the best science..the united nations or mr. gore ?...i am no scientist ( boy the sun is hot today )...so i leave it to the next 50 years...
oh come on....Al Gore looked up all that information on the internet (which he invented πŸ˜‰ ). Probably the same amount of validity in one statement as in the other.

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Originally posted by uzless
that would come under electrical generating facilities.

And by the way, the government of ontario introduced legislation banning incandescent lightbulbs....like i said...legislation and regulation.

It's the only way to force people to do the right thing. Most won't until forced.
For your safety when using CFL's.

How should I clean up a broken fluorescent bulb?
EPA recommends the following clean-up and disposal guidelines:
1. Open a window and leave the room (restrict access) for at least 15 minutes.
2. Remove all materials you can without using a vacuum cleaner.
Wear disposable rubber gloves, if available (do not use your bare hands).
Carefully scoop up the fragments and powder with stiff paper or cardboard.
Wipe the area clean with a damp paper towel or disposable wet wipe.
Sticky tape (such as duct tape) can be used to pick up small pieces and powder.
3. Place all cleanup materials in a plastic bag and seal it.
If your state permits you to put used or broken CFLs in the garbage, seal the
CFL in two plastic bags and put into the outside trash (if no other disposal or
recycling options are available).
Wash your hands after disposing of the bag.
4. The first time you vacuum the area where the bulb was broken, remove the
vacuum bag once done cleaning the area (or empty and wipe the canister) and
put the bag and/or vacuum debris, as well as the cleaning materials, in two
sealed plastic bags in the outdoor trash or protected outdoor location for normal

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Originally posted by lepomis
For your safety when using CFL's.

How should I clean up a broken fluorescent bulb?
EPA recommends the following clean-up and disposal guidelines:
1. Open a window and leave the room (restrict access) for at least 15 minutes.
2. Remove all materials you can without using a vacuum cleaner.
Wear disposable rubber gloves, if available (do not use your ...[text shortened]... o
sealed plastic bags in the outdoor trash or protected outdoor location for normal
I use LED's but thanks anyway

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