Originally posted by SwissGambit😉
Another harrowing defeat for the maestro.
Game 6174989
[Event "Challenge"]
[Site "http://www.timeforchess.com"]
[Date "2009.04.01"]
[EndDate "2009.04.06"]
[Round "?"]
[White "cburrow23"]
[Black "maestropain"]
[WhiteRating "1037"]
[BlackRating "1229"]
[WhiteELO "1037"]
[BlackELO "1229"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "6174989"]
1 ...[text shortened]... Qb7c8 Ke8e7 11. Ra1b1 Bf5xb1 12. Na3xb1 Ng8f6
13. Bc1a3 1-0
Originally posted by maestropain...notice i wasnt playing properly if u look at the moves...
Well, yes. I think that was SG's point. We would expect better moves from a British champion than to lose to a 1038 rated in 13 moves.
Originally posted by maestropain
...look at the game ive got with him...
That is a game in progress and I'm sure an experienced player like yourself realizes we can't comment on it.