Very Rusty
Your first 12 months on the site you averaged around 1650
- Your rating declined through 1500 and sits at a 5 year and 1 year average of 1400
- you are currently 1387
- my first year average was 1025
- my rating has remained steady through 15 years and sits at a 5 year average of 1026 and 1 year of 969
- currently I am 1107
I suggest you start working on your game.
@vespin saidWell said.
I know you are just trying to get under his skin. It won't work. He is the one guy on this site that doesn't lose it, or go nuts. This is very simple. He plays fast, wins more games than anyone on my team, and as far as his skill, this is where I come in.
I am the one who sets him up with players. For some reason matches are going slower, not just for us, I think ...[text shortened]... lysis makes no sense.
If not for Rusty we would not be the team we are. We would not be as good.
@divegeester saidYour "facts" only show what a crappy chess player you are and what a horrible human being you are.
Very Rusty:
PM to Vespin:
Vesp my liege; divegeester has undone me with some facts, can you help please.
PM to Very Rusty:
Stand back Rusty, let me deal with this.
I will use my Chaucer skills.
** attaches Rusty’s leash.
Keep "bragging". Idiot.
@vespin saidExtremely well said.
lol lol No, actually there is not one person who agrees with you. I would say people see you for what you are. A horrible chess player, your posts are incoherent and not one fact in any of them. Not one.
And if you had shut your mouth and stopped messaging or posting about him then he would not have to reply. Because you have no use on this site this is ...[text shortened]... ny man like you.
Grow up Dive. Maybe then you will earn some respect.
Michael 😉
Facts just make him angry.
@suzianne saidI’m demonstrating to Very Rusty that his persistent juvenile trolling of my chess rating and general performance is mistaken.
Your "facts" only show what a crappy chess player you are and what a horrible human being you are.
Keep "bragging". Idiot.
You seem to be particularly bent out of shape by this for some reason.
@divegeester saidYou're the one who's mistaken if you think your numbers show anything approaching what you're claiming.
I’m demonstrating to Very Rusty that his persistent juvenile trolling of my chess rating and general performance is mistaken.
You seem to be particularly bent out of shape by this for some reason.
@divegeester saidYour "facts", not actual facts, as usual.
I’m presenting “facts” Suzianne 😊