06 Aug 16
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSir,
that game deserves a brilliancy prize.
How do you figure it deserves a brilliancy prize. The man is 3 queens up to a lone king, And resigns. Well he is wearing the dunce hat, all he needs now is for those points to be taken away from "Easy Riders". Perhaps a ban for him would teach others not to be CHEATING! Actually "Easy Riders", have a lot of unearned points that should be taken away from them.
Originally posted by Very Rustyyou are not rated 1600 and cannot comment, sorry, it the rules, practice a little tactics every day.
How do you figure it deserves a brilliancy prize. The man is 3 queens up to a lone king, And resigns. Well he is wearing the dunce hat, all he needs now is for those points to be taken away from "Easy Riders". Perhaps a ban for him would teach others not to be CHEATING! Actually "Easy Riders", have a lot of unearned points that should be taken away from them.
here is the rule,
if yer not rated at 1600 or higher, quit moving yer mouth and begin moving yer chess pieces...
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSir,
you are not rated 1600 and cannot comment, sorry, it the rules, practice a little tactics every day.
here is the rule,
if yer not rated at 1600 or higher, quit moving yer mouth and begin moving yer chess pieces...
Russ, makes the rules on this site no one else, especially a person like YOU! So stuff that where the sun don't shine! Of course you had to steal that from someone else like you have most of your CLAN POINTS!!!
Now Have a great day!
Karma is nipping at your butt,
Kind Regards,
Originally posted by Very Rustydude why aren't you moving the pieces?
Russ, makes the rules on this site no one else, especially a person like YOU! So stuff that where the sun don't shine! Of course you had to steal that from someone else like you have most of your CLAN POINTS!!!
Now Have a great day!
Karma is nipping at your butt,
Kind Regards,
quit moving yer mouth and begin moving yer chess pieces...you know the rule. Please no more of your nonsense until you reach 1600.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSir,
dude why aren't you moving the pieces?
quit moving yer mouth and begin moving yer chess pieces...you know the rule. Please no more of your nonsense until you reach 1600.
Don't be talking about me moving my mouth. Actually it doesn't have a thing to do with my mouth. I type with my fingers!!!
Also, keep in mind you do not tell me what I should do. Stop talking your drivel, would be a good suggestion from me to you. π
Kind Regards,
Karma is nipping hard on your butt now,
Hope you are enjoying your day,
Originally posted by moonbusa brilliant study but it hasn't seemed to have stopped Very Crusty from bitchin. He shouldn't be allowed to bitch until he reaches 1600. Its the rule.
I offer the following two hypothetical variations (your mileage may vary).
[pgn][SetUp "1"]
[FEN "8/2p5/3p4/1p1Pk1p1/pPP2pPp/P2K1P1P/8/8 w - - 0 1"]
1. Kc3 bxc4 2. Kxc4 Kf6 3. Kd4 Ke7 4. Ke4 Kf6 5. b5 {Clearing a path for the White king to attack the a4 pawn, and forcing the Black king to yield a tempo. } Kg6 6. Kd3 {And not Kd4? which would draw. T ...[text shortened]... d2 17. Qe4+ Kf2 18. Qd3 Ke1 19. Qe3+ Kd1 20. Kc3 {Again, Black is dead in the water. 1-0}[/pgn]
Originally posted by robbie carrobieSir,
a brilliant study but it hasn't seemed to have stopped Very Crusty from bitchin. He shouldn't be allowed to bitch until he reaches 1600. Its the rule.
I have no idea of whose game the two hypothetical variations are. If it is one of mine. I certainly wouldn't see all that!!! By the way, when Russ says you make the rules then I'll listen, until then stop your fingers from moving. π
Kind Regards,
Karma is nipping at your butt,
Hope you enjoyed your day, and actually got outside for a bit,
Originally posted by Very RustyI was referring to this game: Game 11625537
I have no idea of whose game the two hypothetical variations are. ... I certainly wouldn't see all that!!!
I would not have seen all that either (EDIT: not OTB with a clock running anyway). The idea is this: one applies a general principle, for example the gain of tempo by shuttling the king back and forth to force the other king to waste moves and yield ground (the principle is called “triangulation” ), and then, when it gets down to a straightforward pawn race, one counts instead of trying to visualize something along the lines of “I go here you go there I go here you go there...”
I referred to that game not because of who played it or who won it, but because it happens to offer a particularly clear example for demonstrating how to think through endgames. (There might have been other outcomes, of course.)
I apologise if this comment is in the wrong forum. Maybe should be moved to "Chess Only."
Originally posted by moonbusnah its refreshing to see a chess related thread in the general forum, most refreshing indeed!
I was referring to this game: Game 11625537
I would not have seen all that either (EDIT: not OTB with a clock running anyway). The idea is this: one applies a general principle, for example the gain of tempo by shuttling the king back and forth to force the other king to waste moves and yield ground (the principle is called “triangulation” ), and th ...[text shortened]... e.)
I apologise if this comment is in the wrong forum. Maybe should be moved to "Chess Only."
07 Aug 16
Originally posted by Very RustyJust think Crusty old bean you could get your first GM Norm in bitchin if we had a separate bitchin ELO!
I have no idea of whose game the two hypothetical variations are. If it is one of mine. I certainly wouldn't see all that!!! By the way, when Russ says you make the rules then I'll listen, until then stop your fingers from moving. π
Kind Regards,
Karma is nipping at your butt,
Hope you enjoyed your day, and actually got outside for a bit,
-Removed-Sorry no bitchin allowed till you reach 1600. Thats the rule. Practice some tactics, read a chess book, heck read any book for that matter and who knows you may do better π΅
rule No.1 - quit moving yer mouth and begin moving yer chess pieces!
rule No.2 - NO bitchin till you reach 1600
I'll be handing out worksheets and giving homework later. Please pay attention for you have a record of being a very poor student.
07 Aug 16
Originally posted by robbie carrobieRobbie, you're a prize plum.
Sorry no bitchin allowed till you reach 1600. Thats the rule. Practice some tactics, read a chess book, heck read any book for that matter and who knows you may do better π΅
rule No.1 - quit moving yer mouth and begin moving yer chess pieces!
rule No.2 - NO bitchin till you reach 1600
I'll be handing out worksheets and giving homework later. Please pay attention for you have a record of being a very poor student.
(My rating allows me to make such a comment).
Originally posted by Ghost of a DukeA prize plum? yes its true I am rather smooth-skinned, with fleshy parts and hard as a stone inside! You may comment as one who is adequately qualified. I may even appoint you as classroom prefect to watch out for those who are talking when they should be pushing their pieces!
Robbie, you're a prize plum.
(My rating allows me to make such a comment).