Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThat would work for Trisha, Aisha, Moesha as a shortened form.
Long time ago named our now tall blond talented little girl child 'Heidi Lynn'. Name I've come to adore is Isha (Eve's before being deceived).
The shortened form sounds better than any of those names!
But in the sense used here, it as a interesting background on it's own. 'Isha' would be a rough transliteration of the Hebrew word for woman...
Originally posted by Fleabittenmy ex girlfriend of 8 months was polish and called justina.
As a minor tangent to the topic at hand, I went to high school with a girl maned Justina. She was, indeed, Polish. And she was the class valedictorian and went to M.I.T. The spookiness continues....
she also had a polish friend called...wait for it...drum roll.......******.....justina.