09 Mar 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidYou really live in a fantasy world don't you! 😛 😉
As my castle contains 84 bedrooms, I tend to just circulate the rooms I sleep in.
09 Mar 20
@badradger saidDon't humour him, he will take you seriously! 😉
do you get one of your servents to vacum your bed/ I also have a Topper but it look totaly out of place with my shell suit
09 Mar 20
@very-rusty saidI know.....just lulling him into a sense of total superiority then P.O.W I am gonna take the motha down.
Don't humour him, he will take you seriously! 😉
09 Mar 20
@badradger saidLOL....He will not even notice you got him! 😉
I know.....just lulling him into a sense of total superiority then P.O.W I am gonna take the motha down.
09 Mar 20
Thank you for your replies 🙂 The reason I ask is that I was shocked to discover that a huge number of mattresses end up in landfill every year.
In the UK a staggering 7 MILLION ended up there in 2017. In Scotland alone a stack 112 times higher than Ben Nevis were thrown away in one year!
09 Mar 20
@drewnogal saidCould bedbugs be an issue?
Thank you for your replies 🙂 The reason I ask is that I was shocked to discover that a huge number of mattresses end up in landfill every year.
In the UK a staggering 7 MILLION ended up there in 2017. In Scotland alone a stack 112 times higher than Ben Nevis were thrown away in one year!
@very-rusty saidIt's the lions you need to worry about sir.
Could bedbugs be an issue?
09 Mar 20
@very-rusty saidSurprisingly it’s all down to a BOOM in the sleep economy with a rise in online sales of mattresses, some with a 100 day trial! The ones returned are sent straight to landfill by the sellers.
Could bedbugs be an issue?
I’m shocked by it. I hate the way people keep replacing household items because they fancy something new. I’ve had my 2 sofas for 20 years. I bought classic styles and the company can replace the seat cushions and covers. I also used a sheet of MDF to firm up the seat base.
@drewnogal saidSource I got the info from is at the bottom of the page.
Surprisingly it’s all down to a BOOM in the sleep economy with a rise in online sales of mattresses, some with a 100 day trial! The ones returned are sent straight to landfill by the sellers.
I’m shocked by it. I hate the way people keep replacing household items because they fancy something new. I’ve had my 2 sofas for 20 years. I bought classic styles and the company can replace the seat cushions and covers. I also used a sheet of MDF to firm up the seat base.
7-10 years
Mattress myth 1 – Replace your mattress every 8 years
The Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every 7-10 years, depending on comfort and support. The truth is that the life of a mattress varies wildly, which depends on how you take care of it, how you sleep on it and how often you rotate it.Aug 10, 2019
7 Mattress Myths Debunked - Restonic
https://restonic.com › blog › mattress-myths-4876
09 Mar 20
@very-rusty saidIf you buy a topper with a washable cover and a very firm mattress it will last much longer.
Source I got the info from is at the bottom of the page.
7-10 years
Mattress myth 1 – Replace your mattress every 8 years
The Better Sleep Council recommends replacing your mattress every 7-10 years, depending on comfort and support. The truth is that the life of a mattress varies wildly, which depends on how you take care of it, how you sleep on it and how often you ...[text shortened]... 2019
7 Mattress Myths Debunked - Restonic
https://restonic.com › blog › mattress-myths-4876
10 Mar 20
@ghost-of-a-duke saidNot need for concern on this site about lions...only pussy cats! 😛 😉
It's the lions you need to worry about sir.
@drewnogal saidIn Germany not a single one lands in landfills: all trash hs to be burned here… (still not a good message)
Thank you for your replies 🙂 The reason I ask is that I was shocked to discover that a huge number of mattresses end up in landfill every year.
In the UK a staggering 7 MILLION ended up there in 2017. In Scotland alone a stack 112 times higher than Ben Nevis were thrown away in one year!
10 Mar 20
@badradger saidI may look into that as my memory is waning.🤔
think so memory foam is now in
10 Mar 20
@great-big-stees saidI tried out a memory foam topper at a recent dog sit. Very comfortable and cosy and the French bulldog loves it too.
I may look into that as my memory is waning.🤔