Originally posted by Ice ColdGot off my couch, put my Gucci's on my feet
Cheesecake, nearly any kind of fruit pie, pudding pies, pecan pie, ice cream, cookies, etc etc Now I got the munchies, thanks. 😞
Went to tha Seven Eleven at tha top of tha street
I ordered everythin' edible off tha shelf
He thought it was sad, I ate it all myself
When we got back to tha car, Headed north then south
I needed a drink I had a cotton mouth
We had so much food didn't know where to start
At tha Hagan Daas or Kelloggs Pop Tarts
Big bags of chips, gallons of dips
It took me weeks to get tha taste of my lips
I ate so much miserable is how I felt
Almost busted out my pants had to loosen my belt
Kickin at the tube, wathin' none better than
You know tha king of late night, Yeah Dave Letterman
Not to hilarious jokes kinda plain
But everythin' is funny when your smokin' Mary Jane.....