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Best Mate

Best Mate


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Originally posted by chris stephens
i think a wee outside chance for the national has to go to grey abbey who of course won the scottish grand national at the very handsome price of 14-1 last year. (i havent smiled walking out of a bookies so much since!)
I guess you're talking about the future Aintree's GrandNational......................

However you did a great stake with GreyAbbey!

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Originally posted by Ravello
No way,Best Mate was going to get away with it for the fourth time.

I'm dobious now about putting my money on Beef or Salmon,let's see next week what the odds are........................
Ohhh, you guys are too good for me!

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Originally posted by Ravello
I guess you're talking about the future Aintree's GrandNational......................

However you did a great stake with GreyAbbey!
Moscow Flyer is unstoppable tomorrow if he doesn't fall. He is still unbeaten if he doesn't fall and is rated higher than Best Mate. I would bet him to win and have a small bet on a treble without him if he falls.

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Originally posted by Ravello
My money will go on MoscowFlyer!
I won,not much but I won,easily I would add.
100€ stake with a 2.20 odd,not bad !

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Do you guys realise how long it took me (reading this thread) to figure out that it was about horse racing...

I am so naiive sometimes...

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lol @ jb73

I would have gone for Moscow Flyer today, but hindsight is an extremely powerful tool.

Rule Supreme tomorrow (in the Ladbroke)

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Originally posted by rhb
lol @ jb73

I would have gone for Moscow Flyer today, but hindsight is an extremely powerful tool.

Rule Supreme tomorrow (in the Ladbroke)
Time to lump onto Barracuda on Wednesday I think. Not very imaginative though. I like Strong Flow in the Gold Cup on Friday.

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Anyone slagging Tumtums in the fourth? Nag ran raw like Halliwell on a Sunday. Peepers up the sidebar, lively!

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