12 Feb 21
@instantkarma777 saidNo, that is just not true.
I believe in Instant Karma.
It has nothing to do with Lennon.
He borrowed the term and wrote a song about it.
John Lennon (and Yoko) invented the phrase 'Instant Karma'
If you can prove otherwise, post a link
Otherwise we are done.
12 Feb 21
@blood-on-the-tracks saidAre you that English guy who arrived in the Netherlands and had his sandwiches taken off him because of Brexit lol
Hi Rusters
You just can't help chipping in with worthless tripe, can you?
From your earlier fascinating cut and paste, if this applies to you, I would get down the clap clinic asap!
As always, done with you on here now.
If the Karma guy chirps up again, may engage with him
12 Feb 21
@blood-on-the-tracks saidGrow up. Karma has been around for thousands of years.
No, that is just not true.
John Lennon (and Yoko) invented the phrase 'Instant Karma'
If you can prove otherwise, post a link
Otherwise we are done.
13 Feb 21
I didn't vote in the referendum about leaving the E.U. I will never live in Europe again, so it's none of my business what the U.K.'s exact nuts and bolts relationship with the rest of the continent is. What definitely has been a shocker is the deeply vitriolic and often highly personalized derision and denunciations that the losing Remain side has been levelling at the Brexit side these last few years, far more vituperative - and far more of it - than the bitter barbs going in the other direction.
@fmf saidYou go on about why you don't care, and then go on about why you do care.
I didn't vote in the referendum about leaving the E.U. I will never live in Europe again, so it's none of my business what the U.K.'s exact nuts and bolts relationship with the rest of the continent is. What definitely has been a shocker is the deeply vitriolic and often highly personalized derision and denunciations that the losing Remain side has been levelling at the Brexit ...[text shortened]... rs, far more vituperative - and far more of it - than the bitter barbs going in the other direction.
@very-rusty saidWe know.
What is a Calabrese?
a broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) having a greenish terminal head and similar lateral heads that develop after the terminal one is cut.
Glad you learned something.
@suzianne saidPerhaps what I said simply went over your head.
You go on about why you don't care, and then go on about why you do care.
I would have been a Remainer if I were still back home but I felt the outcome of the referendum was none of my business since I am not resident in the UK and never again will be. So I did not try to exercise my right to vote.
What I then commented on was the disappointing nature of the discourse in the public domain in the U.K. and, indeed, in any other parts of the world where Britons tangle with each other ~ like in bars and cafes where I live.
Maybe you should read what I wrote again and not be in such a hurry to blurt out something grotty and feebleminded in reply. Your response to my perspective is nothing other than very low calibre forum banter.
@fmf saidAnd your reply smells like your favorite charge to levy against others.
Perhaps what I said simply went over your head.
I would have been a Remainer if I were still back home but I felt the outcome of the referendum was none of my business since I am not resident in the UK and never again will be. So I did not try to exercise my right to vote.
What I then commented on was the disappointing nature of the discourse in the public domain in the U ...[text shortened]... inded in reply. Your response to my perspective is nothing other than very low calibre forum banter.
Scorn for scorn's sake.
Thanks for playing.
13 Feb 21
@suzianne saidNothing of the sort. If you are unaware of the nature of the public discourse among Britons over the issue of leaving the E.U. over the last few years, then maybe this thread isn't for you. Your banter is a swing and a miss, Suzianne.
And your reply smells like your favorite charge to levy against others.Scorn for scorn's sake..
-Removed-Ireland has always been a headache for Britain ever since Britain invaded us .
But all things pass and now your empire is gone.
The thing is most brits still carry on like they still have an empire and they still rule the waves when they clearly don't.
As for Brexit, well that's just the British mentality. They don't like johnny foreigner and they don't like being told what to do.
That's the main reason why they left.