@executioner-brand saidGood video.
https://www.msn.com/en-nz/news/national/[WORD TOO LONG]/ar-BBV5lPC?ocid=spartandhp
I looked up the translation of the Haka. It is adapted to suit the event?
I'm not too sure. The black power may have done it first. They are the 'Maori" gangs of NZ who usually war each other. Christchurch, where the shootings happened, are more white.
Someone got killed here because of wearing red a few years ago after a baby died in a drive-by with 7 of them.
22 Mar 19
@executioner-brand saidFortunately the muslim communities place in New Zealand has made stronger by this event.Although their were no serious islamiaphobic attacks before this, the muslim community did experience a lot of verbal racisim before the attacks. Some muslims here were afraid to go out in public wearing a burqa because of the abuse they would get. New Zealand is different to other countries where the amount of serious muslim/non muslim attacks has been dramatically increasing since 2015.The constant media reports (23 killed in Chad today) creates rising islamaphobia and a feeling that muslims are attacking everwhere.Which leads to all Muslims been lumped together . Creating these retaliatory right wing derranged islamaphobic attacks. If this had been the other way around with a islamic terrorist I doubt we would have come together like has happened.Fortunately New Zealand has seen through this attack that the Muslims here are not like the extremists that we are usually hearing about .If anything they are more peacefull, forgiving and loving than other New Zealanders. Although we we would like to hope otherwise living with the possibility it will likely happen again is a new reality in this country.Islamic state have called for revenge etc etc I think life in NZ will never be quite the same ... better...
the memorable part is the flowers.