Clinton Trump 3rd Debate

Clinton Trump 3rd Debate



26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Andrew Kern
Just realized This is on page 10, and I quoted something from page 1. I feel like such a looser right now.
Think how Handy Andy must feel, he's beginning to believe his own propaganda. 😲


26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16
1 edit

and now to give Andrew every chance of letting reality assert itself . . . how to verify that the emails are bona fide.

Not Gone Yet


15 Feb 16
27 Oct 16

My name is andrew too, man.


Read a book!

23 Sep 06
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
and now to give Andrew every chance of letting reality assert itself . . . how to verify that the emails are bona fide.
Give up, blockhead! Your credibility is nonexistent.


26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Give up, blockhead! Your credibility is nonexistent.
Sure it is Randers, you keep telling yourself whatever it is that you need to keep reality at bay! 😵


26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by Andrew Kern
My name is andrew too, man.

yes my apologises, you appear to be a rather polite fellow in stark contrast to our rather abrupt friend Randers Anders

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yesterday I was in reflective mood and yearning for meaning, there was none to be found, today I feel a little bit lighter so I am prepared to pan through whatever scant meaning your posts may contain regardless if its slim pickins!
Your mood swings depending on the day and the amount of courage you've swallowed. I don't believe people even bother to go through your postings anymore. I believe they just give you a thumbs down automatic from habit. As a rule you have nothing of substance to say anway.

Kind Regards,
All the best to your lovely wife, as usual,
Karma still biting at your butt,


26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Your mood swings depending on the day and the amount of courage you've swallowed. I don't believe people even bother to go through your postings anymore. I believe they just give you a thumbs down automatic from habit. As a rule you have nothing of substance to say anway.

Kind Regards,
All the best to your lovely wife, as usual,
Karma still biting at your butt,
mood swings? You know its part of normal human behaviour Crusty to feel reflective one day and a little more upbeat the next. I suspect that you are so devoid of normal human feeling that such behaviour appears alien to you? As for the thumbs down its simply a reminder of what a cookie cutter echo chamber this is.

Look at Flandy Andy, devoid of all substance and reason, left pandering his unsubstantiated opinions as if they are fact and relying on moral support to help him get over it. You cannot taunt the King of the Easy Riders and expect to get away with it Scot free? A man in my position cannot be treated with such disrespect, its bad for business! So I gotta call in the cleaners to clean up the mess. Its nothing personal Crusty old bean, its just business.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
So I gotta call in the cleaners to clean up the mess.
Call in the men in the white coats while you're at it. 🙄


26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by HandyAndy
Call in the men in the white coats while you're at it. 🙄
Bonasera, Bonasera. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then that scum that ruined this thread would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you. - the Boss of Bosses, Robbie Corleone



16 Oct 06
27 Oct 16
1 edit

Just trying out my new photo! (It's of my family)

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Bonasera, Bonasera. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then that scum that ruined this thread would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you. - the Boss of Bosses, Robbie Corleone
You lost all respect a long time ago, obviously you didn't notice. Leave it to you to change what could have been a good thread into something all about YOU. You are a boss of bosses only in your own mind.

What people really think of you can't be said in this forum or the Moderators would be forced to hand out forum bans. Not that they would want to just part of the job they do, that no one really respects. Imagine if the Mods were not here, they actually help to protect you, always respect them if no one else. 😛

Kindest Regards,
As always,
Regards to your lovely wife, as usual,
Karma still nipping at your butt,


26 Aug 07
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
You lost all respect a long time ago, obviously you didn't notice. Leave it to you to change what could have been a good thread into something all about YOU. You are a boss of bosses only in your own mind.

What people really think of you can't be said in this forum or the Moderators would be forced to hand out forum bans. Not tha ...[text shortened]... rds,
As always,
Regards to your lovely wife, as usual,
Karma still nipping at your butt,
you have been bitchin about me since I entered the thread, in fact I attempted to reel you in and get you to address the issues but you were unwilling, so don't give us any of your wash!


07 Feb 09
27 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Bonasera, Bonasera. What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully? If you'd come to me in friendship, then that scum that ruined this thread would be suffering this very day. And if by chance an honest man like yourself should make enemies, then they would become my enemies. And then they would fear you. - the Boss of Bosses, Robbie Corleone
You must be Fredo !! 😀😀😀😀

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
28 Oct 16
2 edits

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
you have been bitchin about me since I entered the thread, in fact I attempted to reel you in and get you to address the issues but you were unwilling, so don't give us any of your wash!
All you been doing is making it more about YOU than the topic. I as a Canadian was looking for what the Americans U.S. citizens and the rest of the world thought of the 3rd debate between Clinton and Trump. Instead we all we have heard are argumentive comments from you. Be quiet for a little bit, and let others have their say, if you are able.


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