Clinton Trump 3rd Debate

Clinton Trump 3rd Debate


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yes but we have already established that what you believe Crusty bears little resemblance to any reality other than the one that you have a tendency to fabricate for yourself. You are a spangle, out there is space, orbiting the stratosphere with your aluminium foil hat wired to the moon listening for echoes of your own thoughts.!
You just can not admit the truth when I tell it. You try to be evasive, but everyone is starting to see through you. Even Maiden Gertrude doesn't defend you as much anymore! If anyone is trying to escape reality it is you my old friend. Perhaps you have more issues, than I even thought you did. You can't even manage to stay on the thread topic!!!



26 Aug 07
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
You just can not admit the truth when I tell it. You try to be evasive, but everyone is starting to see through you. Even Maiden Gertrude doesn't defend you as much anymore! If anyone is trying to escape reality it is you my old friend. Perhaps you have more issues, than I even thought you did. You can't even manage to stay on the thread topic!!!

What truth are you telling Crusty old bean?

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Trump is a boorish, churlish, overbearing megalomaniac.. He promises American workers things he will be unable to deliver simply to get votes. It is however rather refreshing to see him turn up at factories that are facing closure because their owners move them to Mexico in globalist fashion and talk up American protectionism. Will he get anywhere near the Whitehouse? I doubt it. Will he change a thing, no chance.
This is one thing we both agree on. I think he would be bad for the U.S., and also hurt the economy of other countries, and possibly put the U.S. into a recession, according to economists. If you read the piece I copied and pasted for Andy you would have seen what all was said.

I don't think I would want his finger on the button that could start a nucleur war with that temper of his!!! Of course some can say you are a Canadian in doesn't concern you. NOT TRUE, what the U.S. does has affect on many countries.


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
What truth are you telling Crusty old bean?
Everything I say is the truth!



26 Aug 07
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
This is one thing we both agree on. I think he would be bad for the U.S., and also hurt the economy of other countries, and possibly put the U.S. into a recession, according to economists. If you read the piece I copied and pasted for Andy you would have seen what all was said.

I don't think I would want his finger on the button th ...[text shortened]... doesn't concern you. NOT TRUE, what the U.S. does has affect on many countries.

I don't know if you have noticed Crusty old bean, for while America has been gripped by accusations of groping, accusations of missing emalis, the BBC with some baking competition the Russians are building up huge forces in Syria and so are the Americans and Europeans. Mrs Clinton has a history of warmongering whereas Mr Trump I think wants to cultivate good relations with Russia by contrast.


26 Aug 07
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by Very Rusty
Everything I say is the truth!

woa why you haven't become a Saint is a mystery in itself.

Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
woa why you haven't become a Saint is a mystery in itself.

I have to die first. Another reason for you to have a few celebration brews. 😛


Treat Everyone Equal

Halifax, Nova Scotia

04 Oct 06
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
I don't know if you have noticed Crusty old bean, for while America has been gripped by accusations of groping, accusations of missing emalis, the BBC with some baking competition the Russians are building up huge forces in Syria and so are the Americans and Europeans. Mrs Clinton has a history of warmongering whereas Mr Trump I think wants to cultivate good relations with Russia by contrast.
The Russians actually had a test of getting people into bomb shelters, according to sources, which could be true or false. I don't believe everything I read, and only half of what I see.



07 Feb 09
29 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Yes but we have already established that what you believe Crusty bears little resemblance to any reality other than the one that you have a tendency to fabricate for yourself. You are a spangle, out there is space, orbiting the stratosphere with your aluminium foil hat wired to the moon listening for echoes of your own thoughts.!
You seem to be yapping a lot about reality these days !!

Let us know when you get a grasp of it.
We'll throw you a party !!

Pass the cheesies !! 😀


07 Feb 09
30 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Trump is a boorish, churlish, overbearing megalomaniac.. He promises American workers things he will be unable to deliver simply to get votes. It is however rather refreshing to see him turn up at factories that are facing closure because their owners move them to Mexico in globalist fashion and talk up American protectionism. Will he get anywhere near the Whitehouse? I doubt it. Will he change a thing, no chance.
Trump is the guy who walks into a bar and says anything to get laid !!

That being said, you are complaining a lot about globalization.

It's not such a bad thing.
Globalization is not something that is contrived by the top 1%.
Globalization is the result of this world getting smaller.
Mainly by population growth.

We used to.collectively wring our hands about the 3rd world in abject poverty (India, China, etc).
And how to bring them up to the rest of the world.

Well. That is happening. There will be transitional pains.

Free trade agreements are a way of dealing with what is happening around us.

If you think Trump is better at this then Hilary, then people need to be reminded that Trump is the factory owner.
Wolf in sheep's clothing ??

There are those who see a President Trump making America the laughing stock of the world.
Or evidence that democracy is not the model for humanity (Putin).

But I can see why Carrobie detests Hilary.
She's not a true Socialist !!

looking for loot

western colorado

05 Feb 11
30 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
... churlish, ...
Interesting etymology. How the tables have turned!


26 Aug 07
30 Oct 16

Originally posted by apathist
Interesting etymology. How the tables have turned!
yes 😀


26 Aug 07
30 Oct 16

Question for Randers Ganders and other Clinton zombies. These thousands of emails that the FBI are investigating found on Anthony Weiners machines and potentially containing confidential information left there by Clinton aide Huma Abedin, were they also doctored and planted there by the Russians?

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
30 Oct 16

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Trump is a boorish, churlish, overbearing megalomaniac.. He promises American workers things he will be unable to deliver simply to get votes. It is however rather refreshing to see him turn up at factories that are facing closure because their owners move them to Mexico in globalist fashion and talk up American protectionism. Will he get anywhere near the Whitehouse? I doubt it. Will he change a thing, no chance.
Trump makes all his stuff overseas. He is a far, far bigger 'globalist' than Hillary.

And he cares not one whit about the American worker. He fails to pay them when they do work for him.

Misfit Queen

Isle of Misfit Toys

08 Aug 03
30 Oct 16
1 edit

Originally posted by robbie carrobie
Question for Randers Ganders and other Clinton zombies. These thousands of emails that the FBI are investigating found on Anthony Weiners machines and potentially containing confidential information left there by Clinton aide Huma Abedin, were they also doctored and planted there by the Russians?
Answer your own question. Were they given to Wikileaks by the Russians?

Then I doubt they were 'doctored' by the Russians.

Why are you and Trump celebrating these emails already? The FBI hasn't released them or why they are looking at them. I doubt they have anything to do with Clinton.

For an 'October surprise', this is pretty weak.

Why don't you address the 12 women who accuse Trump of sexual assault?

Why is that suddenly not news anymore? For anyone else, it would have knocked them out of the race. Trump stonewalls and that makes everything 'go away'?

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