02 Jul 04
Originally posted by chancremechanicBecause I meant this thread to discuss the relative levels of "cool" in the appearance of the flags on the flag page, I do not want to start a political discussion here. I did start a thread in "Debates" titled "Confederate Battle Flags" which I'd like you to check out and respond to, if you so choose.
The Confederate Battle Flag...."flown in battle, not in hate"
Originally posted by no1marauderFlag of Japan. Simple, unmistakable.
How about some nominations for the coolest looking flag? Mine: Seychelles love the prism like effect.(please super-patriots spare me the how many have died for the red, white and blue BS; this is trying to be light-hearted).
And the worst is a flag that makes you look like you come from Australia.
Flag of Another Color
Flags fly on poles
Too many to count
From the first time a man claimed a hill
Some flags have green
My favorite color
Some flags have orange
To name just another
Some flags have yellow
But I'm telling you brother
Many of these flags are very newfangled
Not old enough to have ever been mangled
Ask me again and I'll tell you it's true
My favorite flag is Red White and Blue
As well as extremely Star Spangled
T M Pease
Originally posted by no1marauderCan anyone guess the countries providing those who can not see a flag as a piece of coloured cloth and whho have to view the world through their idealogical blinkers?
How about some nominations for the coolest looking flag? Mine: Seychelles love the prism like effect.(please super-patriots spare me the how many have died for the red, white and blue BS; this is trying to be light-hearted).
Originally posted by no1marauderConfederate Battle Flag is the "coolest" flag...there, Marauder1...does that suit your fancy?😀
Because I meant this thread to discuss the relative levels of "cool" in the appearance of the flags on the flag page, I do not want to start a political discussion here. I did start a thread in "Debates" titled "Confederate Battle Flags" which I'd like you to check out and respond to, if you so choose.