10 Dec 20
20 Aug 22
@very-rusty saidThe microwave is a great way to burn chocolate.
The man who invented the microwave had no formal education: A lesson in curiosity and the discovery of a melted chocolate bar.
The double boiler method is still the best way to melt chocolate.
21 Aug 22
@suzianne saidYes... but... no. It's quite possible to melt chocolate in a microwave, but you have to be careful. (I should know, I did it just a few weeks ago.) If you want larger amounts of melted chocolate, rather than a drizzle over your dessert, yes, then a bain Marie is the way to go. But for a square or two, a microwave and a stir or two will do just fine.
The microwave is a great way to burn chocolate.
The double boiler method is still the best way to melt chocolate.
21 Aug 22
@very-rusty saidIt was a glorious summer, made by the sun of York.
This was a real scene from a very famous city in 1979. What was the "Winter of Discontent"?
@divegeester saidIf that is all you have it was appreciated! 🙂
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