I saw this on Facebook. I wo6ndered if it was true. It's posted by Neil DeGrasse Tyson, so probably true or close.
Serving the undeniable cosmic curiosity that percolates within us all.
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Neil deGrasse Tyson
33m ·
From the Mind-Blown department of the Universe…
In a deck of 52 playing cards, the total number of possible shuffles is Astronomical:
** If a trillion people each shuffled a deck of cards a trillion times per second…
** And they each did this for a trillion years…
** And it occurred in a trillion civilizations across our universe….
** And that played out in a trillion universes across the multiverse…
On your next shuffle, only then is there a nearly even chance your deck will match any previously shuffled deck.
Which means any time you fully shuffle a deck of cards, it’s not likely to match any deck that has ever been shuffled before.
Just Sayin'.