Originally posted by mosquitorespectI agree. I meant "try eating lunch for breakfast". However, I still never eat breakfast. I dunno, I just hate doing it! The only exception is on weekends, but that's because I can eat breakfast at 11:00. I must not be a morning person.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you should never skip it. Keeps your blood sugar up, don't y'know?
Originally posted by CoconutIf it sinot pregnancy you may try some vodka in the morning... good apetite is guaranteed!
Okay, so this started before the breakup, so it isn't completely emotion related. But nearly every morning, I am unable to eat due to sickness in my stomache. It could be the fact that I skipped breakfast before school for months, and now... I dunno. I'm sitting here in hunger pains, but also feel too sick to eat. Happens most mornings.
In addition, I haven't been eating much because I don't eat when I'm broken hearted.
Originally posted by Coconutthere's only one cure....TIME
Okay, so this started before the breakup, so it isn't completely emotion related. But nearly every morning, I am unable to eat due to sickness in my stomache. It could be the fact that I skipped breakfast before school for months, and now... I dunno. I'm sitting here in hunger pains, but also feel too sick to eat. Happens most mornings.
In addition, I haven't been eating much because I don't eat when I'm broken hearted.
Originally posted by CoconutHas it occurred to you to ask your doctor rather than your chess opponents?
Dude the food issue isn't girl related. I messed myself up by not eating breakfast for so long, that now i'm always sick in the morning. And i'm not pregnant.
If this has been going on for more than about a fortnight you should seek medical advice.
In the mean time force yourself to start the day on something easy like natural yoghurt.
Alternatively do what I do and have a pot of expresso and 10 cigarettes...
I never was a breakfast fan as a child. Like you coco I just never fancied it. So I rarely had brekkers. I am the same now. I cannot eat until 11 ish. Not properly anyway. I just have a small chocolate bar for breakfast, just to give me some carbohydrate to keep my energy levels up. Then, when it all starts gurgling down below, I start munching. Easy.
Alternative explanation: Your ex used to slip broken glass into your food and you will be fecked for life.
Originally posted by CoconutWhy do people start sentances with Okay. It makes no sense, unless you live inside a sitcom.
Okay, so this started before the breakup, so it isn't completely emotion related. But nearly every morning, I am unable to eat due to sickness in my stomache. It could be the fact that I skipped breakfast before school for months, and now... I dunno. I'm sitting here in hunger pains, but also feel too sick to eat. Happens most mornings.
In addition, I haven't been eating much because I don't eat when I'm broken hearted.