19 Mar 14
Originally posted by Great King RatHi, Great King Rat. Interesting site if you have a Twitter Account. Mom mailed these puzzles to me during
I think it's great that you're quoting from this Dr. Rational guy, GB. I think you could learn a lot from him.
my recovery from the sixteen month partial paralysis three years ago. I hope you try to solve a few.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyPuzzle #6 Standing:
Good one, lolof. Took you no time at all.
Dr. Rational likes anagrams because anagrams has three a's
Puzzle #7 later this evening.
HandyAndy and ale1552 each have Two Correct. = 4
lolof and lemon lime have One Correct. = 2
ChessPraxis, kiki46, SwissGambit, Great King Rat: none. = 0
20 Mar 14
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyCherries, because they all contain 'her'.
[b]Puzzle #7 (of 15)
o Dr. Rational likes archery but not hunting.
o Dr. Rational likes spheres but not globes.
o Dr. Rational likes bleachers but not stadiums.
Question: Does Dr. Rational like Peaches or Cherries?[/b]
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyDr. Rational likes cherries because cherries contains the word her.
[b]Puzzle #7 (of 15)
o Dr. Rational likes archery but not hunting.
o Dr. Rational likes spheres but not globes.
o Dr. Rational likes bleachers but not stadiums.
Question: Does Dr. Rational like Peaches or Cherries?[/b]