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Facebook is looking into my photo albums

Facebook is looking into my photo albums


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Born February 4, 2004 (nine years old, same year a kind uncle taught me chess)


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@ What age did you begin to develop "stretch marks"?


Originally posted by mikelom
So is MSHotmail, as it is now forcing mergers with Skype and the rest.

They're all in cahoots to build 'Big Brother'!

-m. 😉
You think that's bad?

The British Government want to build a DNA database.

That worries me because anything the British do
the Irish generally follow suit.

I am not a criminal, far from it but, a national DNA database?

Now that really is Big Brother.

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Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
You think that's bad?

The British Government want to build a DNA database.

That worries me because anything the British do
the Irish generally follow suit.

I am not a criminal, far from it but, a national DNA database?

Now that really is Big Brother.
Eye Ball [Iris] Recognition's already commonplace.


If you want privacy, keep your photos locked away in a safe in your house.

Putting them on the net = Not private any more.
This is simple people.

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Originally posted by mikelom

IMAGINED PROBLEM ---> I really believe facebook is getting into a lot of peoples personal files!!!


TRUE PROBLEM ---> Have another beer, helps with the hangover! 😛

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It has been a wonderful and successful operation by and for
the CIA.

Can you imagine the man hours they would spend trying to
track you and find out all about you?

facebook is much easier.

You're goin' down Mike.

What's that heavy knocking on the door?

Did I hear dogs? Something about explosives? 😲

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Originally posted by johnnylongwoody
It has been a wonderful and successful operation by and for
the CIA.

Can you imagine the man hours they would spend trying to
track you and find out all about you?

facebook is much easier.

You're goin' down Mike.

What's that heavy knocking on the door?

Did I hear dogs? Something about explosives? 😲
Mike's gone. Been arrested for terrorism in Pakistan.



Originally posted by mikelom
Mike's gone. Been arrested for terrorism in Pakistan.

There will be an auction shortly for Mike's RHP rating.

We would like Mike to continue playing,

but due to Government electronic jamming
he can't play his games in Guantanamo.

What's that Mike? No Mike Water boarding is not a sport
that they play on the beach there. We'll explain it to you
when the plane lands.

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