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Favorite thing from your country

Favorite thing from your country


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Disney World

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Freedom of speach
We used to have it anyway 😕

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The post that was quoted here has been removed
Damnit, now I'll miss her and milk as well! Fine, fine, anyone else? Any more foodstuffs? This plane is getting laden down...

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Originally posted by Ice Cold
Freedom of speach
We used to have it anyway 😕
I believe we still do here.

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Originally posted by Palynka
Some Portuguese also do it because of football. 😞

It started in 2004 during the Euro and now some people still leave the same old flags from 2004 hanging out in a balcony or window.
And the same old under pants and Knickers ?

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Originally posted by phil3000
And the same old under pants and Knickers ?
Only if you're above 80.

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The smug satisfaction I get from watching it fall to pieces.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
Germany: Good bakeries (unfortunately they are dying out 🙁 )

Norway: Aurora borealis (yes, it has been declared Norwegian: http://www.aftenposten.no/reise/nyheter/article3392782.ece 😛 )
You can see the sky of Alaska from Norway?

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Ba Moui Ba Biere


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Originally posted by mlprior
U.S.A. -- Apple pie
Favorite thing from your country

Only fifty five posts later (and each one of them from a unique human being and completely different) yet already it dawns

that we're really quite the same... all provincial in our tastes, appreciations and comfort zones. We all like what we know.


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My sweet wife of 47 years. 🙂

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Originally posted by Grampy Bobby
[b]Favorite thing from your country

Only fifty five posts later (and each one of them from a unique human being and completely different) yet already it dawns

that we're really quite the same... all provincial in our tastes, appreciations and comfort zones. We all like what we know.

I find it interesting what people like from their country or don't like, also the people who pop up in a thread that is non threatening and jolly in nature. I see all kinds of people that I didn't even know existed.

Some of the stuff people say, I don't even know what it is and that is interesting also!

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