06 Apr 19
@knightstalker47 saidSorry, I have no idea who anime is.
That's pretty screwed up man. Get your head out of the gutter.
I'm just a fan of anime, jeez.
06 Apr 19
@chessturd saidOK, thanks for that.
Japanese art, graphic novels. Mostly the characters look like kids. They draw pornography too. Same anime characters.
It's illegal but japan doesn't care.
07 Apr 19
@chessturd saidAnime is one thing. Hentai is a sub-genre.
Japanese art, graphic novels. Mostly the characters look like kids. They draw pornography too. Same anime characters.
It's illegal but japan doesn't care.
11 Apr 19
@rookie54 saidThanks for this.
learn cpr,
who knows,
maybe someday you will save rusty's life...
The article talks about several people who stepped up and did something instead of just bitching about "the way things are". These "doers" are what we need more of, not just more "talkers".
11 Apr 19
-Removed-Not all anime is young girls. Have you never seen Naruto? How about Dragon Ball Z?
Anime is a thing, and has been a thing for a couple of decades now.
The vast majority of it does not cross the line, but just like everything else, there are always some who carry a thing too far. You cannot paint an entire industry with the same brush; to do so does a disservice to the anime community.
11 Apr 19
@suzianne saidSupergirll....LOL....I'd sooner an avatar of a nice sunset!!! 😉
Not all anime is young girls. Have you never seen Naruto? How about Dragon Ball Z?
Anime is a thing, and has been a thing for a couple of decades now.
The vast majority of it does not cross the line, but just like everything else, there are always some who carry a thing too far. You cannot paint an entire industry with the same brush; to do so does a disservice to the anime community.