You've got to be the most insecure emotionally disturbed people I have met in my life. You really do need some Professional help if you believe what you are saying to be in anyway what actually happened.
You have to try learning to mind your own affairs and I use the word loosely, than getting involved in things you have absolutely no idea about. I think you've pretty much worn this topic out.
@Very-Rusty saidPerhaps, like me, chess for him is a means to an end?🤔
That was a mistake I will do my best in the future not to make.
Now why don't you go work on your chess tactics? 🙂 It would be useful to your Clan!
@Great-Big-Stees saidUnlike him you are not on arguably the best Clan of all time on this site in Metallica who if you remember won 7 1rst Place Championships in a row, not counting other 1rst place finishes. I don't see a Clan ever duplicating that effort by Metallica. This should give him the incentive to get better to help his fellow clanmates, in my very humble opinion. We all know your golf comes first, and your chess is well down the list. Comparing your two is like night and day you are so nice ,and well him not so much liked as you happen to be. 🙂
Perhaps, like me, chess for him is a means to an end?🤔