16 Dec 21
@gambrel saidI’ve been in restaurant/food service or child nutrition director over a public school district for over 30 years. It will depend on the quality of managers and owners for sure. Look for clean well cared for places to shop and eat. If you see less that’s what your getting.
Having a background in the restaurant, grocery, packing business I've seen horror stories in safe handling.
At home I give everything a smell. If it smells bad, sour, off, poop smell etc, I toss it
I threw away a new pack of ham. Smelled sulfurous.
16 Dec 21
@ghost-of-a-duke saidI once experienced food poisoning in the future, so I reset the Tardis for one week earlier and ate before the stuff went off. πΉ
Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk and tend to err on the side of caution. (Having experienced food poisoning in the past.)
@moonbus saidSmart thinking, we learn much from you can we.
I once experienced food poisoning in the future, so I reset the Tardis for one week earlier and ate before the stuff went off. πΉ
16 Dec 21
@trev33 saidTotally agree. Before there were sell by dates this is what we always did. Cheese lasts for ever. I remember cutting mould off the corner of a loaf of bread and using the rest of the loaf. A lot of food gets wasted because lawyers tell food producers to cover their backs.
Go with your on smell and common sense, would you drink off smelling milk today just because the expiry date is in two days time?same goes for if it’s just past the date but smells and tastes fine, then it’s fine.
@moonbus saidπ
I once experienced food poisoning in the future, so I reset the Tardis for one week earlier and ate before the stuff went off. πΉ
My wife and I became unwell in Ilfracombe of all places.
16 Dec 21
@moonbus saidI wouldn't eat old seafood or cooked rice that is left over. Problem with use by dates though is they erode the conventional wisdom about what you really shouldn't eat.
If I were you, I would not eat sushi past the sell-by date.
Milk past the sell-by date is just yoghurt before its sell-by date.
don’t worry about corn flakes. They’ll keep if you keep them dry.