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For Cripes Sake

For Cripes Sake


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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Despite the fact that I think you're a humorless numbsack, I am glad that you have been allowed to express yourself so eloquently in this thread.

Thanks for contributing to the removal of what I feel is a very important thread. You wallow in ignorance, threaten others with impunity and act like an internet martyr whenever faced with a conflicting lor jole is ridiculous.

By the way, I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for your daughter.
I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for you whole family, HOH. If they take after you that is, hopefully they don't, and you are the only bad apple in it.

Because you are certainly only one of the few bad apples on here, along with the other lawyer, who appears to be a pedo by his actions of asking to buy someones daughter.

Odd you are both suppose to be lawyers, that would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

I actually like the majority of people, it is you and your little clique that I have the problem with, you try to rule and bully the forums, then when you get a little taste, and I mean a small little taste of some of your own medicine back you whine like a little girl, who doesn't want to go to bed yet.

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Originally posted by no1marauder

That was Russ' call.

I'm not sure what you mean.

About what?
I am less sure about what you mean than you and everyone else is about what I mean. Can you not even remember what you were trying to imply with cribs as an example to why Rusty shouldn't do what he wanted to do? That being alerting posts he feels is offensive. Since that is what he has been told he should do. The questions are simple. Your answers are non existent. YOU FAIL~!

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for you whole family, HOH. If they take after you that is, hopefully they don't, and you are the only bad apple in it.

Because you are certainly only one of the few bad apples on here, along with the other lawyer, who appears to be a pedo by his actions of asking to buy someones daughter.

Odd you are both suppose to ...[text shortened]... e of your own medicine back you whine like a little girl, who doesn't want to go to bed yet.
Playing tough isn't going to make me up my price for your daughter. I'll give you a plug nickel and some pocket lint, that's my final offer.

I'm not a lawyer you hysterical little girl.

In my opinion, your the bad apple. A veritable burden on the RHP society. You're best contribution to the site would be to throw yourself down some stairs and not post for a few days.

I'll tell you what, if you don't make another post in the public forums I'll do the same. How does a month grab you?

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
You certainly did ask , now you are trying to deny it like the coward you are. You have no respect, and if I saw you in person I am quite sure you would not ask me if my daughter looked like a pig, and if she didn't could get her for a fiver, because I can guarentee you that the next time you woke up if you did , it would be in an ER room. That is no thre see you, if I have an invite. Do I have an invite, or is that just more hot air on your part?
A lot of insecure people like to act all tough on the internet. You obviously have problems with your masculinity and try to overcompensate by doing the web equivalent of spitting and grabbing your balls. It really doesn't fool anybody, VR; I'm sure in person you're the pussiest of pussycats.

It's kinda funny that you seem to think my little joke was sooooooooooooooooooo offensive that it should lead to my banning (or something), yet you've repeated the substance of it several times. If it's so offensive, why do you keep exposing the innocent 13+'s here to such terrible material? You probably should alert your own posts to protect the kids from the "offensive" material you keep mentioning. It also wouldn't be good for the kiddies to hear someone constantly threaten other people with violence; you're hardly providing a good role model to the kids, VR.

If you're making a cheating accusation, just come out and say so. Show your tiny little balls for once. People who know a lot more about chess (and virtually everything else) than you know that there is little correlation between ratings on this site and in real life. But your continued showing of ignorance is rather amusing esp. when you declare someone who invented a Class A rating for themselves as "legit" based on nothing more than their play here. Your pitiful, irrational bias are again on hysterical display. But do say it right out loud if you believe it; be MAN enough to call me a cheat. You'll feel sooooooooooooooooooooo much better.

Drop in. Expect an appropriate greeting.

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I didn't think HOH is an Attorney. That doesn't sound right.

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
I am less sure about what you mean than you and everyone else is about what I mean. Can you not even remember what you were trying to imply with cribs as an example to why Rusty shouldn't do what he wanted to do? That being alerting posts he feels is offensive. Since that is what he has been told he should do. The questions are simple. Your answers are non existent. YOU FAIL~!
I see no reason that Rusty can't express jimself in whatever manner he feels inclined. Alert what he wants, but, at his own peril. Squashing the thoughts and ideas of others inevitably sets a precident that comes back to haunt you.

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
I didn't think HOH is an Attorney. That doesn't sound right.
It didn't sound right to me either, but he didn't deny it either when it was brought up. I actually got quite a laugh out of it when I first heard the story.

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Originally posted by cashthetrash
I am less sure about what you mean than you and everyone else is about what I mean. Can you not even remember what you were trying to imply with cribs as an example to why Rusty shouldn't do what he wanted to do? That being alerting posts he feels is offensive. Since that is what he has been told he should do. The questions are simple. Your answers are non existent. YOU FAIL~!
Are you a complete idiot?

VR said he was alerting posts to test the standards here.
That's what Cribs did.
VR said he wanted "consistency".
Cribs got banned.

I answered the first two questions which were clear. The third is a mess and the fourth is vague. Rephrase them and try again.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I see no reason that Rusty can't express jimself in whatever manner he feels inclined. Alert what he wants, but, at his own peril. Squashing the thoughts and ideas of others inevitably sets a precident that comes back to haunt you.
Calling my daughter a horse and pig etc., are the posts that I alerted if that is squahing peoples thoughts, GOOD!!

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I admit I'm horrified that VR actually took my jest seriously and was considering selling his daughter to me. That's just so wrong, VR.

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
I see no reason that Rusty can't express jimself in whatever manner he feels inclined. Alert what he wants, but, at his own peril. Squashing the thoughts and ideas of others inevitably sets a precident that comes back to haunt you.

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
Calling my daughter a horse and pig etc., are the posts that I alerted if that is squahing peoples thoughts, GOOD!!

It's hysterical that you want posts modded out of existence and then repeat what they say!

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Originally posted by Very Rusty
Calling my daughter a horse and pig etc., are the posts that I alerted if that is squahing peoples thoughts, GOOD!!
So are you up for the challenge VR. A month with no public forum posts? Can you be man enough to rid the forums of me for a month? Or is your life so devoid of anything interesting that not posting your blithering idiocy in the forums would break you?

With regards to your daughter, if it quacks like a duck... or, for that matter, oinks like a pig...

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Originally posted by Hand of Hecate
Despite the fact that I think you're a humorless numbsack, I am glad that you have been allowed to express yourself so eloquently in this thread.

Thanks for contributing to the removal of what I feel is a very important thread. You wallow in ignorance, threaten others with impunity and act like an internet martyr whenever faced with a conflicting ...[text shortened]... lor jole is ridiculous.

By the way, I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for your daughter.
You can have my wife for a plug nickel. 🙂

If she ever comes and reads this please tell her there are 2 greenpawn34s and it was not me. Thank you

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