Back home in our new house. Surrounded by boxes and bags, but happy to be home. There was only one runway open at JFK due to that plane crash landing the other day scraping up the arrival runway. We arrived only 1 and a half hours late, but we didn't care hehe.
Thanks Deucer, it was a pleasure to meet you and Mrs Deucer. GBS, no we didn't play each other, i only managed to score three against Bugs bunny, one against Handy Andy, and a crushing victory against ichibanov in what i can only describe as a game to rival that of those between Bobby Fischer and Spaasky.
Going to sleep for a bit now, then get back to some unpacking of different hues.
Originally posted by Great Big Steesbecause i'm not stupid enough to visit a place when the exchange rate sucks monkey balls? maybe some other year though, i'm going to india for 5 1/2 months in 3 weeks so it wasn't possible this year.
He has ways of doing so. I'm not sure HOW he does it but....well as I said before you really do have to come and see for yourself. If Huck can come from Ireland why not you?