@ghost-of-a-duke saidToxicity... because we don't agree about this returning banned user thing?
Why does that always come as a surprise to you? I've been saying it for years.
@divegeester saidWell that can be done other ways Dive.🤔
That’s a shame Stees, I was looking forward to shooting the breeze.
@drewnogal saidI’m sometimes in Wales, perhaps when I next am I’ll buy you lunch then.
I’d like to meet up but I’m as poor as a church mouse so you’d all have to contribute to my GoFundMe page to pay for my lunch and bus-fare home.
@torunn saidI don’t mind when, why or how you choose to end a conversation Torunn.
No Dive, that's not good enough but it's typical. And I choose to end a conversation when I feel like it, whether you like it or not. And I really can't see what Earl has to do with it, he doesn't post much in this forum.
You like EoT becuase he flirts with you in the Tavern thread. I don’t like him because of his hard right values. I guess that is one of the differences between us. I.e. I’m attracted to a person’s values not their personality.
@drewnogal saidFor what it’s worth I’m quite fond of the online Torunn.
A good reply Torunn, nice to see you giving that whippersnapper what for.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidPerhaps he just hasn’t yet been reported.
You have clearly flagged David as a returning banned user and yet Russ has taken no action.
Perhaps you should support Russ by not making false accusations.
@ghost-of-a-duke saidWell, ever since you fell out with him and did a U-turn on your opinion of him.
Why does that always come as a surprise to you? I've been saying it for years.