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Indiana Jones.

Indiana Jones.


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But but but... That way dying happened years ago in a McGyver episode already...!
And a beetle death in The Mummy.

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I watched the film on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I watched it on friday night with friends. it was definantely worth watching

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Originally posted by UserChevy
I watched it on friday night with friends. it was definantely worth watching
I watched it Sat. Its the best so far.

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Indy's love interest in the first movie is still looking pretty good in the new movie.

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Maybe I saw a different movies to you guys. I saw it last Saturday and thought it was a complete hollywood sell out..

Indy turns from this cool, quick witted cowboy type into an indestructible superhero who can survive a nuke being dropped on him... It seemed to be just a money driven attempt to restart the franchise with his kid taking over the indy role (come on, who didn't see the fact that it was his kid that coming a mile away!)
Plus the story line didn't flow, it just jumped from one action scene to another with very little consistency. And those daft russian characters just annoyed me, and I won't even start on the aliens..

So it seemed they took the Indiana Jones recipe book, removed intelligent plot and witty one liners (thought there was a sprinkling left) and replaced with a heavy helping of hollywood special effects and a pinch of just about every conspiracy theory you can find on the net.

You're better off renting out The last crusade imho.

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WOW OMG just saw the latest movie and it was really super!

Can't believe Indie was a woman all along - what a brilliant twist!

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Saw it on saturday, and it was very very disappointing.

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On yeah, and what was the story with Indy being in the army/CIA, that was new? And the Tarzan bit where the kid is swinging through the jungle on the vines? And the driving the car off the cliff onto the tree which helpfully just bends and lets the car off into the river..

Ok i'll leave now, its putting me in a bad mood just thinking about it.

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It was still good by today's action movie standards, which is probably why people who haven't seen the old ones really like it.

Other than that, it was rubbish compared to the old ones.

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Originally posted by knightwest
Saw it on saturday, and it was very very disappointing.

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Originally posted by Rapidfyre
Have to agree with Dk3...

I'm not going to give a spoiler here, but all the reasons he said I agree with. Things went downhill quick in it....

On the plus side:
Karen Allen was in it, as was Harrison Ford. That was just fine.
And let's not forget the sense of closure. Not in the sense of story lines... but in the sense that you really, really are not looking forward to a continuation... 😕

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Originally posted by Jamin
Have to agree with Dk3...

I'm not going to give a spoiler here, but all the reasons he said I agree with. Things went downhill quick in it....

On the plus side:
Karen Allen was in it, as was Harrison Ford. That was just fine.
And let's not forget the sense of closure. Not in the sense of story lines... but in the sense that you really, really are not looking forward to a continuation... 😕
I thought it was awesome. Bull ants part was cool

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Originally posted by slimjim
Is it just me or is anybody else waiting to see the movie. I thought the first three were great. Hopefully the new will be also.
OH YEAH! The one where they faces melt off still scares me and that is so 80's!

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Originally posted by dk3nny

Maybe I saw a different movies to you guys. I saw it last Saturday and thought it was a complete hollywood sell out..

Indy turns from this cool, quick witted cowboy type into an indestructible superhero who can survive a nuke being dropped on him... It seemed to be just a money driven attempt t racy theory you can find on the net.

You're better off renting out The last crusade imho.
Utter Hogswallop!

Every Indiana Jones film had the same crap in it.
What you're doing is looking at the film from the same perspective as you did 20 years ago. However, you are 20 years older...

How did Indy tie himself to a periscope and survive?
How did Indy actually jump from a plane in a rubber boat?
How does the chalice actually fit in with Dan Brown's versions of events (okay... this is a JOKE...)

It was the same rubbish with Star wars.
I heard people whining about the dialogue! Good grief, did you ever actually listen to Han Solo's text?

Indiana Jones was always tacky. And it stuck to the concept.
The mere fact that you can recognise the man by his shadow putting on the hat says more than enough!

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