Originally posted by robbie carrobieThat's what I thought. It would be as you said "explicitly clear", but if a lady told me she couldn't go out with me because she will be washing her hair for the next one thousand years, I'm pretty sure I would get the hint. I probably wouldn't ask her out the next week, or anytime after that... unless I was feeling vewy vewy desperate. LoL
its what ladies say when they don’t want to date you and make it explicitly clear (or so i am reliably informed) 😀
Originally posted by lemon limewhat if she told you she would be wearing a suit of armour as appropriate attire for the first date?
That's what I thought. It would be as you said "explicitly clear", but if a lady told me she couldn't go out with me because she will be washing her hair for the next one thousand years, I'm pretty sure I would get the hint. I probably wouldn't ask her out the next week, or anytime after that... unless I was feeling vewy vewy desperate. LoL
Originally posted by robbie carrobieI'd probably remember I had a previous engagement (need to be washing my own hair for the next week or two) and apologize for the mix up... then change my identity and move to another town.
what if she told you she would be wearing a suit of armour as appropriate attire for the first date?