@fmf saidI'm done with you.
I don't see how it's a waste of time. If the suspicions about you were untrue, you would surely just laugh it off as absurd and funny. If the suspicions about you are true, then what else would you be saying now? This is also absurd and funny. It's a win-win situation, surely?
You enjoy this way too much.
I'm here for chess, not this.
This will be my last post directed at you.
You are nothing more then a sad waste of my time.
But it will at lot easier for you now.
Now you can spread your lies and fantasies without someone fighting back.
It's not that you won.
It's that I know a troll when I meet one
and I don't waste my time fighting trolls.
@lotte21 saidThe atmosphere is very often toxic. Just in the last week, I have been accused repeatedly ~ incessantly ~ of being a pathological liar, a sexist, a misogynist, a transphobe, a member of the "sneering gender police", a purveyor of hate speech, a racist, a white racist, and a white racist Brit. There have been literally hundreds and hundreds of comments like these. But, I manage to flourish nevertheless.
I just came here to play chess and meet some nice people but the atmosphere here is toxic.
The post that was quoted here has been removedLet’s correct you for the second and LAST time :
I ASKED what it was like chatting to 14 year old boys and made an ASSUMPTION that Stella got male players to divulge their sexual fantasies to him. I WOULD also have added that he liked sharing sexually explicit images with female players if I’d thought of that before Divegester had mentioned it.
I had GOOD REASON for hounding Stella on his profile behaviour. Most people who work with kids will have an understanding of why I did that. IF they can’t work that out then I question whether they have had any real understanding of kids (minors) who have been sexually exploited and the long term damage that does to a developing adolescent.
Now you may think that I should have offered Stella a cosy chat over tea & cake but I DON’T as I had the evidence of his GUILT from the outset. This is a chess site promoted for kids as young as 13. Now unless that changes I will be here freely reading what people WANT TO REVEAL ABOUT THEMSELVES IN THEIR PROFILES and I will expose anything suggestive of sexual exploitation EVERY TIME by immediately sending a screenshot to the moderators.
So you just carry on spouting off about the trivialities that are important to you and leave me to do my bit for those who may really need protecting here.
04 Jul 21
@drewnogal saidYou're a saint 😇
Let’s correct you for the second and LAST time :
I ASKED what it was like chatting to 14 year old boys and made an ASSUMPTION that Stella got male players to divulge their sexual fantasies to him. I WOULD also have added that he liked sharing sexually explicit images with female players if I’d thought of that before Divegester had mentioned it.
I had GOOD REASON for ...[text shortened]... that are important to you and leave me to do my bit for those who may really need protecting here.
Thank God this site has you to protect all the minors here.
The post that was quoted here has been removedOh, did that go over your head?
The name he cited was YOUR screen name on that other chess website.
Countless pages of screenshots and links to threads [from THAT website] where you were playing under a male name ~ and behaving, intellectually and interpersonally, exactly the same way as you do here ~ were circulated among many posters here.
They received wide exposure.
You didn't realize that was the reference?
It went whoosh?