Originally posted by Grampy BobbyThis could be the worst question you've ever posted. Way to go.
Ladies Only, Please
This thread is reserved for ladies only. No men or boys allowed. So what's happening in your work, academic, family, social or chess life?
I expect better, or, at least, I would expect you to expect crap in return for crap. Put an end to the crap for craps sake. Help me to help you to stop helping those that you think need help that are really just wondering what they'll do now that there are 30% fewer Starbucks in North America.
Originally posted by SJ247Your academic assessment is totally spot on! π
Work: 25% reduction in sales, leading to further head-cuts.
Academic: About to learn the hard way that web based courses suck far worse than sitting in the classroom.
Family: They're happy, healthy, and feeling secure. I keep my paranoia well-hidden from them.
Social: Strictly an e-social life these days.
Chess: Riding my freshly waxed skis down another steep slope.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateJust a friendly guy who thought it might be nice for the Ladies to have their very own clubhouse lounge, with no men or boys around. That's all.
This could be the worst question you've ever posted. Way to go.
I expect better, or, at least, I would expect you to expect crap in return for crap. Put an end to the crap for craps sake. Help me to help you to stop helping those that you think need help that are really just wondering what they'll do now that there are 30% fewer Starbucks in North America.
Originally posted by Grampy BobbyPerhaps I was too harsh. I apologize. Still, the inevitablity of such a thread degrading into something with multiple lesbian references should have been apparent from the outset.
Just a friendly guy who thought it might be nice for the Ladies to have their very own clubhouse lounge, with no men or boys around. That's all.
Originally posted by Hand of HecateThat likely outcome was fully apparent from the outset. Why should the antics of some deter my simple initiative on behalf of the ladies.
Perhaps I was too harsh. I apologize. Still, the inevitablity of such a thread degrading into something with multiple lesbian references should have been apparent from the outset.