@indonesia-phil saidDon't overestimate Robert's kinkiness in necking guys.
You can never explain unanswered questions, not in London, even Dorking.
@fmf saidShare your ubiquitous gemstones.
Don't overestimate Robert's kinkiness in necking guys.
@earl-of-trumps saidGoing essentially mad, Simon talks obvious nonsense, especially Saturdays.
Share your ubiquitous gemstones.
@indonesia-phil saidSutrisno, after taking ubiquinone regularly, displays alarmingly yellow shins.
Going essentially mad, Simon talks obvious nonsense, especially Saturdays.
@fmf saidTesty runts overpowered untrained teatotallers.
Sven occasionally unloaded tasty haddock while eating sauteed trout.
@kevin-eleven saidTo expect a truly optimistic tally all logical lists exist relatively seriously.
Testy runts overpowered untrained teatotallers.
@great-big-stees saidYuri likes seeing unmarried ornithologists, it's really extremely stupid.
To expect a truly optimistic tally all logical lists exist relatively seriously.
@indonesia-phil saidDid it perk up their sex?
Yuri likes seeing unmarried ornithologists, it's really extremely stupid.
@divegeester saidXanthic: Yellow looking - of possibly Hellenic origin, now extinct.
Xavier’s eager rendition on xylophone